Season 3: chapter one

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Don't know why, but I love this pic. Anyway, season 3! Probably the last one sadly but you never know how long I'll make it so yeah!


Who knew that a year could go by so fast and yet, so slow. Sinbad slammed his forehead against his desk. He had no time to think about how fast things were going. He had work to do, and it wasn't going to get completed by itself. Sinbad swayed in his chair for a moment before looking out the window. Well, maybe he could take a little break? Then again, Sinbad hadn't even started his work for the day. He tried to remember that face. That face that was pecked with freckles and the smallest but cutest nose in the world. Jafar. He hadn't seen Jafar in so long, since his research kept him from coming even close to Jafar's island paradise.

Aladdin, Morgiana and Alibaba all went separate ways when Jafar left. Aladdin went to the learn magic at the same school where Yam went to, Morgiana went to see her country, and Alibaba went to another school to get stronger. This was becoming slightly painful with headaches for Sinbad.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Sinbad said, blankly. Who came in wasn't a big surprise. Spartos. Ever since Jafar went off to do his research, Spartos had kinda taken his role. Although he wasn't as good as Jafar at it, he was doing just fine.

"I have news." Spartos said blankly. Sinbad nodded for him to continue. "When the crew we sent to pick up Jafar from the island, they came back without him. They said he was there, and he went on the ship with them, but he just suddenly disappeared." Sinbad's eyes widened. He stood up.

"We need to look for him immediately."

"That's the thing, King Sinbad, the crew did mention that Jafar was talking to himself a lot. He once mentioned something about going to the Reim empire. That was the night he disappeared as well." Sinbad clenched his fists together.

"I knew I shouldn't have sent him there! Call for a meeting immediately." Spartos nodded and left, leaving Sinbad alone with his thoughts. Why would Jafar want to go to the Reim empire? Why was he talking to himself? There has to be something going on about this. Well, at least we have a clue on where he is. Sinbad turned to look at Baal's sword. He picked it up and held it. "Baal, I need to talk to you for a second." He said. Suddenly Baal emerged from the sword and Sinbad sighed.

"What is it, Sinbad?" Baal asked. "You've been calling a lot. But those times were about my son. Now what is it? Am I going to meet him?" Sinbad shook his head.

"You were supposed to meet him today, but it seems he has gone missing. I'll need your power to find him." Baal nodded, clearly worried. Sinbad had told Baal about Jafar, and Baal was starting to really think that Jafar was his son. He wondered if Baal was also thinking about his wife.

Time skip: the meeting

"What!? Jafar's missing!?" Yam yelled. She slammed her hands on the table. "Why!? What happened!?" Sharrkan patted Yam's back to calm her down and she sat down. Sinbad could now continue.

"Anyway, the crew said that Jafar was talking to himself a lot and he mentioned something about going to the Reim empire. I think we should start our search there." Everyone nodded. Then Drakon raised his hand.

"We should leave soon. We wouldn't want Jafar to disappear from the only clue we have." Sinbad nodded then turned to everyone in the room.

"Drakon's right. I'm only going to take Masur and Spartos with me when I go to Reim. Everyone else is to stay here and keep the country under control." Everyone nodded. "All dismissed."

Time skip: Departure

Sinbad took a deep breath before sighing. He needed to find Jafar or he'll lose his mind. He rubbed his temples before a hand came over his shoulder. He turned to see Masur. Masur was a quiet type. But he was still a really good friend. "He'll be fine. I don't understand why he'd just disappear like that, but he must have a reason." Sinbad nodded before looking back out at the sea.

"You're right. And once I find him, I'll ask. And I'll get my answer." Masur nodded, but Sinbad didn't notice that he had left and kept ranting to himself. "But really... he promised me that he'd never leave me again. And now here we are... having to go out to Reim and search for him. I might seem composed right now, but I'm really frustrated. He also said we'd get married when he came back, so why... why would he just leave?" Sinbad turned around and noticed Masur was gone. He sighed before walking back to his room. This would be truly troublesome for him now.

Short chapter, I know. It's the same with he 2nd season, where if Jafar isn't exactly in the chapters, they're going to be pretty short. Don't worry, Jafar will come soon! But I'm trying to stay on track with the original Magi series so yeah... Anyway, sorry it took me so long to post a really short chapter.

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