Chapter 7: season end

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*lips smack* Well damn. Jafar went all out of Sinbad in that photo. Imma use this on my children when I dye my hair white. (If I ever have any and if I ever dye my hair that color) Anyway, here chapter 7.


Sinbad grumbled as he woke up. His head was swirling as he sat up. He noticed Jafar peacefully sleeping next to him. Thankfully, Jafar had his clothes on signaling Sinbad that nothing bad happened, as he barely remembered what happened. He remembered waiting for Jafar at a bar, which he probably got drunk at and didn't remember anything else. He felt sad. He couldn't remember what had happened during the celebration... Before he could get up, Jafar stirred awake and looked at Sinbad with droopy eyes. He closed them again and rolled over. "You ok?" Sinbad asked.

"I have a headache..." Jafar responded, voice ruffled by just waking up. Sinbad wanted to laugh, but didn't. Sinbad sighed and pressed a hand over Jafar's forehead. Suddenly Jafar's face became bright red and he hid his face under his pillow.

"Hey! I was just trying to check if you are sick!" Sinbad retaliated. Jafar huffed.

"Im fine. I just... do you remember last night?" Jafar asked. Sinbad thought for a moment before shaking his head.

"No." Jafar took a moment to respond.

"Well, one of you friends came and told you to meet them at the docks today in the afternoon. I also bet it's already the afternoon." Sinbad hurried and started to pack up. Jafar scoffed as he sat up, just having to change his clothes into his usual oversized jacket and just right pants. "We going?" He asked and Sinbad nodded.

Time skip

They made their way to the docks, Jafar not speaking at all to Sinbad. He was becoming worried and often asked Jafar if he was ok. Jafar always responding with his usual nod. Sinbad sighed and they finally made it to the docks. Masur, Hinahoho, Rurumu and Drakon stood outside their ship. They stared at the pair walking over. When Sinbad started to walk up to the deck, he looked back at Jafar, who had stopped in his tracks. "You coming?" He asked. Jafar shook his head.

"Your crew doesn't want me here, so I'm going to leave." Sinbad turned to face Jafar, eyes widened.

"What will you do!?" He asked. Jafar shrugged.

"Maybe find a job here, make a living of some sort. But I owe it all to you, Sin. I'm always in your debt. If you ever need me, please just call on this." Jafar pulled up the communication device Sinbad used to talk to Yamuriaha. Sinbad didn't like this idea. He walked over to Jafar and looked at the other 4, shooing them away.

"Can you at least tell me what happened during the celebration?" He asked. Jafar smiled, but it was a sad smile.

"If I did, then you'd never let me go." He said, turning to leave. Sinbad wanted to grab his hand, pull him back, and hug him. But he couldn't. The words stuck inside Sinbad's mind. "Bye Sin. I'll see you around! Take good care of yourself!" Jafar called from where he was standing. Sinbad nodded and waved goodbye as he stepped up to the deck. Everyone started to get ready to depart, and Sinbad watched as the docks slowly disappeared from his sight. He sighed.

Suddenly a hand came over his shoulder and he turned. He saw Yamuraiha. "It's for your own good. He's an assassin, and knew that he'd only cause you trouble if he stayed." Sinbad gripped the rails of the ship. Why now...!? Why was it now that he remembered!? He felt tears threaten to let lose in his eyes. "Sinbad?" Sinbad shook his head violently.

"Leave me be, Yam." He said, and Yamuriaha nodded and left. Sinbad remembered everything, probably because Yam touched him with her magic. He remembered Jafar dancing on stage with all the other gorgeous dancers. He remembered him winking at him. He remembered that Jafar kissed him on the cheek. He remembered feeling lost in thought. He remembered... that he had feelings... for him... Tears streamed down Sinbad's face and he held the railing harder. Damn it! He was right...! If he had told me, then I wouldn't have let him no matter what. He cried, filling the sea with his tears.


Jafar's chest tightened as he waved goodbye to Sin. The ship was sailing away, and he'd known that Yamraiha probably wouldn't exactly let Sin use the device to talk to him. Jafar turned away and walked off. First off, he needed a place to stay that was for rent and not a hotel. Then he needed to find a stable job. Those were his first priorities. Jafar walked into the somewhat market place and recognized someone. It was that dancer from the other night who helped him. He ran to her. "Hey!" He called. The girl looked at him, her eyes widened. She smiled.

"I was hoping to find you here! My sisters and I wanted to ask you if you'd like to join us." She told Jafar. Jafar looked around at everyone who was staring at him. Some gave thumbs up at him, and he blushed a little.

"A-actually, I was looking for a job! I'd love to join you guys!" The girl jumped up into excitement.

"That's great! Follow me! We need to tell everyone and introduce you to everyone!" The girl grabbed Jafar's hand and pulled him out of the market. They ran outside of town to a big tent camp. The girl opened up the largest tent and inside were the whole dancers he was dancing with the other night. They smiled at him.

"I guess you want to join us?" One asked. Jafar nodded. The girl stood up. "Well, you already proven that you're more than worthy, so you're hired!" She patted Jafar's back and made him sit down with the rest of the girls. She then sat down with them. She pointed at a short girl with brown skin, black hair in braids, and brown eyes. "This is Brunette, she's our supporting dancer." Then she pointed at the girl next to Brunette. She had long, golden hair pulled up into a pony tail, a somewhat light and dark skin tone, and blue eyes. "This is Malia, our other supporting dancer." Then she pointed at the girl sitting next to Jafar. She had short, brown hair with bangs, light skin, and green eyes. "That is Anne, our last supporting dancer." After that she pointed at the other girl sitting to the other side of Jafar. She had very, very short reddish/blackish hair, light skin, and orange eyes. "That's Kane, our first lead dancer." Then she pointed at the girl who had brought Jafar there. She had red eyes, red hair, and light skin. "This's Poleax, our second lead dancer." Then she pointed at another girl sitting next to her. She had long brown braided hair, light skin, and brown eyes. "This is Cam, our final lead dancer." Then the girl pointed at herself. She had long, blonde hair, orange eyes, and light skin. "And finally, me! Sandra, the main dancer!" Jafar nodded. "So, what's your name?" Sandra asked.

"Jafar." Jafar answered. Sandra nodded and looked around. Suddenly Poleax raised her hand.

"Jame! That should do, right!?" She asked. Jafar's eyes widened at the name. He remembered his diary from 6 years ago. He had named it Jame. Where was it anyway? Jafar looked at Poleax with straight eyes. Sandra nodded.

"How do you like the name, Jafar? We all need nicknames here." Jafar nodded, agreeing with the nickname. "Also, Jafar, we also do singing here. You don't have to sing, but I thought I'd tell you." Jafar jumped up in excitement.

"I love singing!- or at least used to..." Kane chuckled and stood up. She stretched.

"Where we heading next?" She asked. Sandra looked down, as if she was thinking intently.

"We need to go on boat to our next performance, which is in a few months. We need to go to Kou." Kane nodded and yawned.

"I'm going to bed. We're leaving in the morning, right?" Sandra nodded and the others started to stand as well. They started to make it to the exit.

"Poleax, can you show Jafar- or Jame- to his tent? Or maybe it's your tent." Poleax nodded and Jafar followed her to their tent. The sun had already set by this point. Jafar laid down on his bed, waiting for sleep to overcome him, but it never did happen. He couldn't stop thinking about Sin.

Season end! Season 2 of this will hopefully be more chapters but yeah! Hope you enjoyed season 1! Byeeee!

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