Season 2: chapter 3

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Jafar with his siblings is so cute. Yes, I'm not saying step-siblings because he is in the family and always was. I will never consider someone step if I consider them family. They're just family. Anyway, hopefully this chapter is longer. Next chapter I'm hoping to get Jafar in. Ok byeee!


The black rukh that now surrounded the entire wall of Yam's started to make the wall crack. Sinbad thought about retreating back to the palace, but then he saw that the other ships were coming closer. Too close. He clenched his fists around the hilt of his sword. He could see the dark magi on the ship that Kouen was on. He needed to get rid of him before the wall broke.

So Sinbad ran out to the edge of the docks and jumped into the water. Since he was a sailor, fisherman, and others, he was good at swimming. He swam as fast as he could to the ship and climbed onto it. Once he was on the deck, he was face to face with Kouen. "You can still surrender, Sinbad." Kouen practically threatened. Sinbad snarled. "Your generals are going to die because you can't let go, you know." That was the last straw for Sinbad. He lodged at Kouen.

"I'll make you pay!" He yelled as he swung his sword. Surprisingly, some sparks fell from it and he felt lighting flow through him. So you only come out when I'm in the heat of battle, huh? Sinbad smirked as Kouen took a step back. The sparks fell onto the deck and started a fire. It was a small fire, but it made Sinbad back up. He turned his focus back to Kouen, who was not where he was when Sinbad's eyes left him. Before Sinbad knew it, Kouen was behind him. Sinbad turned around as quickly as he could and blocked Kouen's sword. But in doing so, Sinbad lost his footing and fell next to the fire. The flames started to burn his arm a little and he cried out in pain but quickly recovered and stood up, clenching his left arm. He was lucky his right arm was his dominant arm, not his left.

Sinbad smirked at Kouen and threw himself forward. Kouen dodged to the left, probably not expecting Sinbad to switch the grip on his sword to his injured arm. The sword cut deep into Kouen's stomach and he throw up huge amounts of blood. He fell to the ground, clenching his abdomen. Sinbad stood up and looked down at Kouen. "This is what happens when you try to have a war with Sindria. We'll kick your asses. Now leave before I make you dead for sure." Kouen smirked and looked up at Sinbad.

"Heh... didn't expect that one, you played dirty. Guess I'll have to bring him out one more time... Judar!" Sinbad turned around only to be surrounded with blackness. It reminded him the darkness of that one time, but he used his lightning powers of Baal and the darkness dispersed. It revealed the dark magi, smiling at Sinbad. Sinbad groaned as he got into a fighting position.

Judar possessed many unimaginable powers, and Sinbad was thankful that Baal was there to help him. He clenched the hilt tightly and waited for Judar to make the first move. Judar laughed loudly as pulled his hand out. A mirror appeared out of nowhere. "Look at your generals, Sinbad. They're gonna die because of you!" The mirror started to show the predicaments Sinbad's generals were in. Sharrkan was fighting against about 10,000 warriors. Drakon was running to Yam's room to help her. Spartos and Mystras were together and were fighting at least 20,000 people. Hina had just left his family in a hidden room and was running to his station which was to watch over the palace. Pisti was flying on her bird, trying to help get rid of the darkness breaking the wall. Masur was fighting, and winning, against 5,000 warriors. Yam was trying her hardest to keep the wall up, but failing. The wall started to crack even more and some spots broke. The darkness was starting to enter the country.

Sinbad grimaced at Judar. He knew he shouldn't do it, but he needed to fight him. So he ran at the dark magi. Judar floated up. Sinbad sighed mentally. Baal, I need your help again. Help me save my country. He pleaded in his mind. He could feel electricity in his body, and the cut that never healed fully for Jafar started sparking with the lightning. Sinbad knew how to somewhat control this power, and used it to move in a flash behind Judar. Judar turned around only to get punched by Sinbad. He fell into the water below. But he quickly recovered and flew back up to Sinbad. He make huge ice blocks and pushed them to Sinbad. Sinbad was able to dodge most of them except one and it cut into his side, forcing him to stumble in mid air. Judar took this opportunity and swung his wand once again and ice came flying at Sinbad again. This time he wasn't able to dodge most of them and they cut into his arms and legs. Thankfully, they were small cuts except a few.

Sinbad glared at Judar, who started to fly towards the palace. Sinbad followed. He wouldn't let Judar get to any of his friends. He flew faster, using more magoi than indented. Judar looked back at him and smiled and chuckled. He flew faster to keep a distance from Sinbad, making Sinbad fly faster.


No, Sinbad! You'll use up all your magoi! You'll die at this rate! Yam thought. She wiped away some more sweat from her face. Most of her wall had already broken, and she couldn't hold it anymore. She dropped to the floor, and the entire wall broke. There was yells of victory from Kou that could be heard from her magic device that let her see the battle. Yam took a deep breath and looked at Sinbad through her device. Sinbad. You're better than this! Stop and think for a moment! He's trying to get you to use up all your magoi! We should've called for backup...!


Sinbad finally caught up to Judar, out of breath and running low on magoi. He grabbed the dark magi and threw him into the ground. Judar scoffed as he quickly recovered again, but had blood dripping down from his mouth. He wiped it away.

Sinbad watched intently as Judar floated back up to Sinbad. He smirked. "You're running out of magoi, Sinbad. You die soon, you know. Hahah. Haha!" That. God. Darn. Laugh. It made Sinbad sick to the stomach. Sinbad lowered his eyes at Judar.

"I'll make sure to kill you before that happens." Judar snickered and started to fly upwards, to the top of a tower. Sinbad followed not too far behind.

"Then let play a game of tag, shall we!? You'll be it first!" Sinbad gritted his teeth and flew faster. This was no game. This was life or death.

Once Judar got to the top of the tower, he disappeared. Sinbad stopped flying up and looked around. He felt tapping on his shoulder and he turned around. No one was there. It happened again, and again, and again, and again! Sinbad felt frustrated and just started blasting lightning in every direction. One seemed to hit Judar and he stopped. "Looks like I'm it now." Judar laughed. Sinbad groaned and charged at Judar. He smiled a wicked smile.


No! No! No! It's a trap, Sinbad!


Sinbad flew straight at Judar, feeling his magoi getting drained. Judar snickered as Sinbad was close enough. Before Sinbad could impale Judar, Judar kicked Sinbad away. Sinbad started to fall, no more magoi or lightning in his veins. He took a deep breath. If he would survive from his magoi being drained, he'd still die from the fall. He sighed and closed his eyes. I wish I could have seen you again, Jafar...


Hands wrapped around Sinbad's body as he fell.

Ok! Hope you enjoyed! It has come to my attention that I've been spelling Yam's name a little wrong, putting Yamuriaha instead of what it actually is. Although I hope it's how you spell it. I'm too lazy to check. Ok chapter 4 coming up soon! Stay tuned!

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