Jafar's Diary

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December 25

Hello, Jamil. I'm sorry I haven't written in you for so long. How long has it been? A lot of years, that's for sure. Anyway, I'm 19 now. A lot has happened since the last time I've written in you. Let's see. Where to start... Ok. I was sent on a mission to kill a guy named Sinbad. When I was SO close to killing him, he got the upper hand on me and i ended up joining him. He had my dad with him in his sword, and that why I joined him. I returned to Yua's place and fought the goblins there! Although I almost died. Haha. We don't talk about that. After that, we went to another village where we participated with their festival! I got to dance and it was so fun! Then we both confessed our feelings to each other. Sadly, we had to separate and I joined the dancers. I ended meeting a lot of new friends on my 2 years alone. Anyway, one day I got a call from Yamu, the woman I despised at the time, and she asked ME for help. But Sin was about to die so... I helped. After that I joined Sin and after a year, he had made his own dream a reality of making a country! During the festival Sin proposed to me! But sadly... I had to leave and come to this island to do research. And that comes to here! Bye!


December 30

Hello Jamil, I met this weird guy named Yunan. He's a magi, but a good one. He said he'll help me with my lighting powers if I wished and I mean... I kinda do want to learn how to use them without my darts. So I said ok, but after I'm done with my research. He was fine with it, and he said he'd even help me. So nice of him! Anyway, I should probably go. Goodbye!


January 17

Sorry I took a while not to write in you. I have been doing A LOT of research and Yunan helping me is really helping. Anyway, I just discovered that the fly trap hurts a lot when it grabs your finger. I know from experience. Alright. Yunan is calling me for my afternoon training. I better go. Bye!


July 20

Ahhh. Sorry I haven't written in you for months! I've been training a lot with Yunan and he says I need to keep training if I want to start using lightning without my darts. *sigh* I'm so bored right now. I also miss Sin's warmth. Anyway, Jamil, how have you been? Good? That's good. Oh. God... Yunan's calling me again... gotta go! Bye!


September 10

Again, sorry I haven't written in so long. I've been very busy with training and research. I've been making some great progress! The fly trap doesn't like to eat you, I learned that the other month. An- Looks like someone is writing again. Let's see... hmm. Is this you're diary?- Yes! Yes it is! Now leave, Yunan!- ugh fine.- hey come back!


December 6

I'm utterly stupid... In 4 days I'm supposed to return home, but I just agreed to come with Yunan to go to the dark continent! SO FUCKING STUPID!! Sin's going to hate me after this... *sigh* Gotta head out. My research is complete now. But my training in nowhere near done. I'll write later, Jamil.


February 4

Hmmm. So... Morgiana is here now and she's training with me. Of course, I'm one year ahead of her, but god is she good with her magic. Sometimes I feel like it'll be impossible to really get back to Sin, now that I've been gone for so long. He probably hates me so much right now.

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