Season 3: chapter 5 part two

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This is probably going to be another short chapter. Anyway, next chapter should be the wedding. Can't wait! Here we go!


Jafar huffed as he sat down at his office. He was done with all his paperwork, but what he was doing wasn't paperwork. It was an experiment. He pulled out a small bottle filled with purple fluids. What he planned on doing with it was to mix it with another bottle filled with red fluids. He then poured the purple liquid into the red. They mixed together and suddenly they became a magenta (it's a color if you didn't know) of flames. Jafar smiled and picked up the bottle. This is what he wanted to happen.

He couldn't wait to shove it in Yamu's face.


Yam pulled out a huge jug of water and another smaller jug full of green liquid. This is definitely going to be better than Jafar's! She thought as she snickered. Yam then poured the green liquid into the water. Suddenly they converted into a cyan (another color) water. Yam smiled and stood up. She would beat Jafar this time!

Time skip: breakfast

Sharrkan face palmed when Yam placed the huge jug down on the table in front of Jafar. Jafar sighed and put down a small bottle on the table. Yam laughed at how small it was. "What is that!? You give up or something!?" She joked. Jafar sighed again before motioning for Yam to show hers off. She opened the jug to reveal the cyan water. Jafar nodded when he saw it then opened his bottle to reveal magenta flames.

Yam groaned in defeat and hit her head on the table. "You shouldn't give up, Yamu. You did really good. Although, you're better than me at most of magic stuff." Jafar said. Yam poked her head up and looked right at Jafar. She smiled.

"I'll try again, and I'll beat you for sure!" She yelled, holding her hand out for Jafar to take. Jafar shook her hand.

"You're on, again." He joked a little. Yam snickered and shoved Jafar over. Oh. God. Other food fight had begun.

Time skip: after cleaning the dining hall

Yam turned over to Jafar, who was now done cleaning up. He turned to face Yam. He made a confused face and tilted his head a little. Yam huffed and turned away. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Huh? I couldn't hear that." Jafar said. Yam groaned and turned to face Jafar.

"I said I'm sorry!" She yelled. Jafar made another confused face.

"Sorry for what?" He asked. Yam sighed and sat down. Jafar sat down next to her. He had a little bit of concern in his eyes, which Yam hated, but also appreciated.

"Sorry for being so rude all those years ago. I know I already apologized and you forgave me, but that wasn't just me apologizing at the time. Sorry it took so long to get it out." Yam admitted. Jafar smiled.

"You should stop saying sorry all the time when you're feeling down. It gets people worried about you, ya know." Yam laughed a little.

"I guess you're right." She said back. Jafar huffed and playfully hit Yam's back.

"Come on! Stop being so down! You better not be like this at the wedding in 3 days!" Jafar joked. Yam laughed.

"Haha. Ok. I get it. And ya know...," Yam turned to look at Jafar. "I heard you're ticklish!" She said, starting to tickle Jafar. Jafar laughed and kicked.

"Stop! That tickles! Hey! Hahaha!" After Yam was done tickling Jafar, they both sighed. "I also wanted to apologize for telling you to fuck off too, even if I did mean it." Yam hit Jafar's shoulder.

"You're a jerk."

"Not as much as you."



"Get back here!"

"You'll never catch me!"

"Try me! I can fly!"

"Yeah, so can I!"



Short chapter again. But I wanted to do something with Yam and Jafar. No. I do not ship them. But I did want to go off of Sinja for a part, and here it is. Bye!

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