Chapter 2

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This picture just speaks for itself. There's no need for a story. But I can just imagine that Jafar went to one of their allies to talk about trade and all that stuff and everyone's just having the time of their lives. Here's chapter 2:


Sinbad woke up with an empty spot next to him. He should've expected to see the assassin looking around for his weapons. Sinbad sighed and groaned at the same time and rolled over. "You're not gonna find them~" He teased. The assassin looked up at him with a glare that looked like he was pouting. Then the boy reached for something on the side of his shirt. It was a small knife. Quickly, he rushed at Sinbad and he stopped the boy. But before Sinbad could take the knife away there was a shock in his injured arm. It was his wounds filling with lighting again. He boy smirked as if he was proud. Maybe Yamuraiha was right. Maybe Sinbad should drop the kid.

No. Sinbad would keep trying to get this kid on his side. Sinbad grabbed the boy's silver hair and pulled him towards him. "I'm your elder here! You'll do as I say! What would your parents think of you right now!?" Suddenly the lighting stopped in his arm and the boy stopped putting up a fight. Instead he just let Sinbad hold him by his hair. Sinbad didn't expect it to go that easily. He set the boy down on the bed and looked at his face. Once again, he wanted to scream, but not for his cuteness, but for the tears welling in his eyes.


Jafar didn't know why this hurt so much. Just the mention of his parents was hitting him harder than any kick or punch. Jafar covered his eyes, letting his tears fall out of his eyes. This was something that showed weakness, but he'd realized he'd shown weakness the moment he didn't try to kill his prey the other day. He had multiple opportunities, so why didn't he? Jafar felt a hand smoothing his back. It didn't exactly make anything better, instead it made Jafar break into sobs. Tears stained his cheeks. And his nose was becoming stuffy. He didn't have too many memories of his parents, but he did remember some things:


"Mom, look! I was able to kill my first rat! Are you proud!?" Jafar's mom pat his head and smiled. Her silver hair and freckles that spread across her entire body almost was like a mirror to Jafar.

"I'm very proud of you, Jafar. I can't wait until you're able to kill your first cat!" (There will be no killing of cats. I love cats.) Jafar nodded happily and jumped up and down. Then he looked down.

"Um... mom?"

"Hm? What is it Jafar?"

"You said dad was gonna be here for my fist kill. Where is he?" Jafar's mom froze. Her patting on his head stopped and she stood still. (Ok, I'm just giving a name for his mom so that I don't have to say 'Jafar's mom' or 'his mom:' Jasmine) Jasmine stared down at Jafar, unsure. Jafar could see it in her eyes. "Well, can you at least tell me about dad?" Jasmine's smile came back and lifted her son into her arms.

"Of course! Let's say you don't look anything like him."

"Really? What is he like?" They walked down a log staircase fleeing any daylight. It's where they hid from others. Jasmine opened a door coming into a bedroom with two beds. One for her and her son. She smiled and sat Jafar down on his bed.

"Let's see. Your father had your green eyes, but everything else doesn't fit into you. Oh, wait. How could I forget!? You have a lot of your fathers personality. He was a really big baby." Jafar pouted. (Just so you know, at this point in time, Jafar's eyes are grey, but when he was a child he had green eyes. From years of torture his eyes lost their color. But don't get too sad! Jafar's eyes will eventually come back to green!)

Jafar hated being called a baby, so he objected. "I'm not a baby! I'm 5 years old! You're the one who's a baby!" Jasmine chuckled and ruffled Jafar's hair. She smiled happily and hugged him.

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