Season 2: chapter 6: part two

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Wonderful, Sinbad. Wonderful. Part two! Let's just get it going! Also that entire time I was writing part one, I was sitting on the floor so I hurt right now...! Anyways, enjoy!

No one

The palace was peaceful this morning. Nothing was out of place, nothing was wrong, nothing was happening. Nothing. Nothing. At. All.

"ARGHHHH!" Oh. Yeah... ok...


This was stupid. Shit. Piece of shit. Fucking piece of SHIT! Jafar was so ready to throw the paper relating to wine and alcohol for the party in weeks time. That's what happens when Jafar leaves all the planning with drinks to Sin. Just wait until Sin woke up. Jafar made an evil smirk, clenching his darts. No. His assassin side was showing... But still, Jafar was mad. Pissed, even. He stood up, almost nocking over the chair he was sitting on. The new Sindrian clothing Sin gave him swaying at the sudden movement. Jafar growled and started to walk off. He needed some sleep. But what time was it anyway? It looked to be around 4 in the morning.

Jafar sighed and left his office. It was too early to be so mad at one person. Yet, he was still mad. He turned on his heels when he heard something creak from down the hallway. He saw a shadowy figure and readied his darts. But when the figure stepped further, he saw it was just Spartos. Over the year Jafar had been with them, he'd found that he and Spartos had a lot in common. "What are you doing up so early, Spartos?" Jafar asked, closing his office door.

"I could say the same to you." Jafar laughed and turned to face Spartos. "Anyway, I heard a yell, so I came to see who it was." Jafar sighed. He must've made a big yell out of frustration then... he knew it.

"Yeah. That was me. Sorry if I woke you. I'm just completely done with Sin." Jafar said, scratching the back of his head and making a small smile. Spartos nodded and turned away, starting to go back to his room. Jafar decided to do the same. But before he could go far enough, he heard Spartos say something.

"You and Sinbad should think of getting married sometime." He said. "You'd be a great queen, looking at how you're a great advisor and general." Jafar blushed a little, but laughed it off. He then came to his room. He slowly opened the door, only to find someone in his bed. He sighed, slamming the door closed. Sin jerked awake and looked around the dark room.

"Why are you in my room?" Jafar asked, angrily. Sin turned to face Jafar in the darkness. He smiled at him.

"Well, I came to see if you were still awake, and you weren't here so I just thought... maybe I could wait for you..." Jafar sighed again and started to take off his ropes that covered his usual black shirt and green/black pants. He flopped onto the bed next to Sin.

"I'm going to beat your ass, you know." Jafar warned Sin. It seemed like Sin didn't get it because he responded with,

"In a sexual way?" He asked. Jafar sighed again and slapped Sin's hand. He stared right into his eyes, his own filling with anger. Sin seemed to get it and backed off. It was surprising, really, in the entire year Jafar and Sin were dating for, they didn't do anything to any sex extent. Sin had asked about it, and Jafar said he'd rather wait, as he didn't know if he was ready for it yet. "Sorry... is it about the wine stuff?" Sin asked. Jafar nodded, flopping his head on his soft pillows. Sin then looked over Jafar, and bent down to kiss him.

Jafar had to admit, he did really forget about all his anger when he was kissing Sin. He kissed back, but letting Sin do most of the work before he pulled away. Jafar the rolled over and wrapped his blankets around him. "Go to bed, Sin. It's still early." He told him. He felt Sin slide back down under the covers and wrap his arm around Jafar's waist, pulling him closer. Jafar felt warm, protected. It reminded him of his mom so much. Then he remembered what Spartos had said. He huffed. That's something he and Sin could think about later.

Time skip: later on in the morning; breakfast

Jafar sat down next to Sin at the tables that were full of people. Most of them being guards, but the table he sat at was only for the generals. Jafar stared at Yamuraiha, who stared back. Sharrkan face palmed as everyone else sighed. "Here we go again..." They sighed out. Sin chuckled. Jafar then put his chin over his palm, keeping his eyes locked on the ones locked on his.

"How's your experiment going, Yamu?" Jafar asked in a sarcastic tone. He had made a nickname for most of the generals, one of them being Yamu instead of Yam. Yamu groaned as she smiled.

"I hope better than yours." She stated. Jafar smiled and closed his eyes. Then he yawned, making Yamu pull out something from her bag. It was a potion of some sorts. Jafar stared at it.

"Hm. What's that? Looks like mud." Jafar tried to hold in laugh. This had been going on for a while, a friendly rivalry between the two. It was as Sin had thought, they'd be close friends if they'd actually met. Yamu groaned again and threw the mud-looking-stuff onto Jafar. Jafar glared at the magician, then started to laugh. This time, Sin face palmed.

"Looks like two people are going to get their ass beat up today." Sharrkan whispered to Pisti. Pisti nodded, going back to eating. Jafar stood up along with Yamu. They both glared at each other. Then they locked hands.

"You're on, witch!" Jafar called. Sharrkan pouted, as that was the nickname he used for Yamu. Suddenly there was a plate in Yamu's face, that was thrown by Jafar. It was a food fight! There was lots of laughing and cheerful moments, as whoever won would be determined later on who would clean faster. Even Sin and the others joined in.

Time skip: afternoon

Jafar sighed as he stared out the window of his office. The sun was going to set soon, and Jafar was already done with all of his work for the day. Of course, he could get a head start on tomorrow's work, but didn't feel like it today. He groaned as he slammed his head down on his desk. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Come in~." Jafar answered. He didn't care who it was, he just wanted something to do except work for once. It was surprising.

When he finally looked up, he saw Rurumu. He sighed, slamming his head back to his desk. "What is it?" He asked. Rurumu chuckled, sitting down.

"I thought my adopted son would like some extra time talking to his mother, that's all." Rurumu coed as he rubbed Jafar's head. Jafar looked up and glared into Rurumu's eyes. Over the past year, Rurumu had become a sort of mother figure to him, even adopting him. So practically, he was her son. He sighed and sat up.

"I'm bored..." He complained, his teenager showing. He was still only 19, so he was still a teenager. Rurumu laughed but stopped quickly once she saw Jafar glaring at her again.

"Why don't you hang out more with Sinbad? Or maybe all of your other friends?" Jafar huffed and looked away.

"I-I don't know... I just don't want to be around them right now."

"Then why not train with Masur? He's one of your friends, right?" Jafar's eyes shot open and he shook his head.

"He is, but I've already gotten enough training in today... all I need to do now is to practice on my patience." Rurumu laughed again and cupped Jafar's cheeks in her hands.

"Then why don't I teach you how to be a mother? That should be fun, wouldn't it?" Jafar chuckled and moved his head out of Rurumu's huge hands.

"Why would I want to learn how to be a mother when I will never be one?" Rurumu shrugged.

"You never know. Unexpected things happen every day. You might even become pregnant one day, as it says in legend that demons can give birth no matter the gender. Maybe that's why there's so many demons in this world than there is angels." Jafar thought for a moment, then sighed.

"I don't ever plan on getting pregnant, but ok. Anything to pass the time, I guess."

This was actually longer than I expected. Hope you liked the relationships and the all so obvious hinting. I always wondered what Jafar and Spartos's relationship was like, as they seem alike in many ways. Anyway, bye bye!

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