Chapter 3: part two

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We- we don't talk about this- Never. It's just what I imagined what goes through Jafar's head all day. Especially for Sharrkan and Yamraiha and Sinbad. Ok let's just get to the part we all are waiting for!

The battle between assassin/slave and fog troop member


The darts slid down Jafar's arms. They felt like snakes, which Jafar liked. He grinned at Cassim. This was going to be a bloody showdown, wasn't it? Well, Jafar wouldn't have it any other way. He'd now seen Cassim's powers close up to know how they work. They could be used to deceive someone, like Sin, or used to trap someone, like Sin and him. Cassim might have some tricks up his sleeve, but Jafar had his own tricks as well.

"Hey, lighting brain." Jafar's eye twitched. Lighting brain!? W-wha-whaaa!? What!? "Mind getting out of my way? You're an annoying pest if you don't. Or maybe I should just call you lighting brain for the rest of your life. How bout that?" Jafar raised an eyebrow. The first time he'd been called that made his agitated, but now it was just pathetic. Lighting brain? Is that seriously the best he could come up with? Jafar sighed, readying his darts again. "Hmph. I guess I have no choice. I won't show mercy."

The darkness came up behind Jafar and he blocked it with his darts. His wires made a huge ball around Jafar, protecting him. Man did it feel good to have these babies back. Now it was Jafar's turn to attack. Jafar twisted his body up in ways that were inhuman. Then he used one of his darts to push off of and jump right at Cassim. He wrapped his wires around him and tugged on them, making them tighter. He wasn't going to let go of this piece of crap.

But before Jafar could finish his tightening, the darkness arose up his legs, enabling him not to leave his position. The wires around Cassim's body slowly fell to the ground and slid back up Jafar's arms. The darkness was starting to cover his entire body at this point. All but his face. Cassim laughed at his failure in defeating him. "You really are weak, huh, lighting brain. I guess I'll go take care of sleeping beauty over there." Jafar tried to pry his way out of the darkness, but it wouldn't work. Damn it all! That's when he remembered something.

He could use his darts to shoot lighting at Cassim.

Jafar pulled his darts out from his arms and pointed them at Cassim. This was his only chance. Cassim's darkness was forming all around the surrounding area, so Jafar only had one shot before he couldn't see Cassim anymore. Aligning the darts to hit Cassim was the easy part. It was shooting lighting out of them that was the hard part. Jafar closed his eyes and focused all of his energy on his lighting. Slowly and steadily, he felt his powers flow to his darts.

Silence all but a slight buzzing.

When he opened his eyes again, they were glowing blue. Out of his darts, lighting. They fired at Cassim through the darkness, twirling and twisting. After many twists and turns, the lighting hit Cassim right as he was about to stab Sin. He fell to the ground, shaking. Then he passed out and the darkness disappeared along with him. Jafar closed his eyes and fell to the ground. At that point, Sin was still asleep, and all of his weapons apart from his sword of Bal were gone. Jafar could only muster a slight cough before feeling his head pop. His head dropped to the ground and he passed out.

The end of the battle: Afterwards


Sinbad woke up to the sun shining on his face. How long had he been out? And where was he? When he sat up, he realized he was still at the campsite. When he looked around, he found his sword of Bal nearby and-oh god- Jafar.

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