Season 2: chapter 5

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This photo has a meaning behind it, I believe. As you can see, when Jafar was a child, he was facing away, towards the dark side of the photo, but looking at the light as if he wants to face it. And his slightly older self is reaching his hand out as if he's still holding onto his past self but trying to say, "it's ok. We can go now." Then when he started to grow up, he slowly started to turn towards the light of the photo, finally facing it fully. Just shows how much he's progressed. Ok chapter 5!

Yamuraiha: before Sinbad started to fall

Yam looked all over her room, searching that one device. The communication device. She spotted it and stumbled quickly to it. She grabbed it and pressed the button on the top of it. "Can you hear me!?" She practically screamed. There was a shuffle on the other side, like someone pulling the device out of a sack.

"Yes? Who is this?" They asked. Yam recognized that voice. It was the same one that told her to, "fuck off," 2 years ago. Jafar. Yam replied immediately and yelled.

"This is Yamuriaha! We need you're help!" It sounded like Jafar got startled from her yelling and fell off something. Yam held in a chuckle since this wasn't the time to laugh at him.

"Yamuriaha, huh? Whatcha need help that includes me?" Jafar asked, voice clearly not too serious. Yam became a little angry.

"Sinbad started to create a country and another country didn't agree with his ideas so now we're at war! Sinbad's fighting a magi and he's going to run out of magoi! You're related to the devil, Baal, so we need you to kill this bastard of a magi!" Yam explained as quickly as she could. There was a thumb as if the device was being put down and Jafar replied seriously.

"Tell me where you are, I'm coming."

Sinbad: falling


Sinbad felt hands come around him.

"You stupid or something? That's it, you're nickname isn't Sin anymore, instead it's Baka." That voice. Sinbad opened his eyes and his sword dropped in shock. He must've been dreaming. That pale, freckled face along with that silver hair. It couldn't be anyone else. Jafar. Sinbad was speechless. But his body started to move on its own, moving to touch Jafar's face to check if he was real. Indeed, that was him.

"J-Jafar...?" Sinbad asked. Jafar nodded and landed onto the ground. Sinbad hadn't realized that he was flying. Slowly, Jafar sat him down and turned to face the dark magi who was laughing. He probably didn't notice Jafar. "W-wait, you can't fight him! He's a magi! A dark magi!" Sinbad told Jafar, grabbing his wrist. Jafar turned to him and smiled.

"Have you really forgotten who I am, Baka? I'm the son of Baal, also, Yamuriaha called me, so... yeah!" Jafar pulled away from Sinbad and flew upwards, leaving a trail of lighting behind him. Judar still didn't seem to notice Jafar until it was too late. Jafar kicked Judar in the face with so much force, Judar flew all the way out to sea.


Jafar slowly let his darts slide down his arms and into his hands. He was anticipating that Judar would appear behind him, which was right. He turned right at the right moment and threw his darts up at Judar with lighting flying all around. It didn't hurt Judar and he laughed. "Is that really all you got!? Even Sinbad was more fun!" Jafar smirked as he tightened his grip on his wires, closing Judar in a tight hold.

"I'm no fun to be around, ask all the people who have seen the end of my darts in the face in heaven." Jafar remarked. Suddenly Judar screamed out in pain as lighting went through his body. Jafar laughed a little, showing his assassin side a little. Once Judar looked like a fried turkey, Jafar stopped and dropped him. Judar fell to the ground and hit his head. Jafar flew down the ground and looked over him, nodding. He looked at Sin, and shooed him. Sin didn't know what he doing, and kept staring. Jafar sighed. Then he started to kick Judar. "Come on, I thought you'd be more amusing...!" Jafar mused. Judar curled into a ball, and Jafar moved away as ice flew down at him. One of them cut his arm a little. He sighed. "Still *fake yawn* boring..." Jafar sighed. "Guess I should get rid of my boredom, right?" Judar only answered with a,

"Fuck you." Jafar smiled a kind looking smile, but people who knew him would know that smile meant death.

"Yeah, I'll fuck myself in hell when I die, bitch." Jafar snarled and shot his dart at Judar's chest, but not heart. It hurt him, but didn't kill him. Jafar then grabbed Judar's hair and pulled him up so that he could whisper to him. "Leave now or you will fucking die, you got that. And tell that fucker, Kouen that he better not wage war against Sin ever again, or I won't HESITATE to kill him and his siblings." Judar nodded and Jafar leg go of his hair. Judar then started to fly back to the ships, where Kouen was. There was shout from Kouen.

"Retreat! The war is over! We have lost!" He yelled. Jafar smiled to himself and nodded. Then he turned to Sin, who was blank faced and pointing at Jafar.

"I-I know you had a-a bad mouth, b-but... t-that was..." Jafar chuckled and helped Sin to his feet. He looked down at Baal's sword. Jafar wouldn't let Sin die for two reasons, one, Jafar loved him, two, if he did die, he wouldn't be able to save his dad. Then he turned to Sin, a slight vein poking out of forehead.

"Hey Sin, I know you're a ladies man, but did you do it with a woman?" Jafar asked. Sin gulped as he thought.

"N-not from what I recall." He said. Jafar stared at him with his death stare. "W-why do you ask!?" Sin asked. Jafar took a breath.

"I met a kid who looks exactly like you. His name is Badr." Sin gulped again, scratching the back of his head.

"A-actually... it think so..." He admitted. Jafar sighed and pushed Sin away, to which, Sin retaliated with apologizing over and over again. Jafar, for one, was angry at Sin, but felt tired. Usually when he used his lighting, he became exhausted afterwards. His eyes drooped. "Jafar, are you ok?" Sin asked, and Jafar nodded.

"Just... really tired..." He admitted. But before Jafar knew it, he was falling over. Thankfully, Sin caught him and held him up bridal style. Jafar felt the warmth of Sin, and pushed closer to his chest. He smiled. "I've missed this..." He said, mostly to himself. Then he fell asleep.


Sinbad couldn't believe it. He never thought he'd see this day again, where Jafar would be in his arms, cuddled up to him, and asleep. Sinbad hugged Jafar closer to him but almost fell over. His magoi was almost completely drained, and it was thanks to Jafar that he was still alive. Sinbad heard footsteps coming his way, and he knew who it was. He turned around to see his 9 generals. Sharrkan was bickering with Yam like usual, Masur had a straight face along with Drakon, who sighed, Pisti was getting off her bird, laughing at Yam's and Sharr's bickering, Spartos and Mystras were complementing each other for their fighting, and Hina and Rurumu were talking to their children.

That's when Sinbad got an idea. He looked down at the sleeping 18-year-old in his arms. He smiled, liking the idea. Then he turned to his generals again. "Can someone held me up? And someone carry Jafar, please?" Hina and Rurumu nodded and Hina helped Sinbad up, while Rurumu picked up Jafar. She stared at him in awe. In fact, everyone was staring at him. Sinbad picked up on that. "He saved me, and us, for a fact. He's the guy from 2 years ago. You know, the one you all didn't want to come with us. What do you have to say for yourselves?" Yam looked down along with the rest of them. "I expect you all to say sorry when he wakes up. Rurumu, can you take him to my room? I'll be there soon to rest up." Rurumu nodded and walked off.

Then Sinbad turned to Yam.

Time skip: in Yam's room

"So you're the one who called him?" Sinbad asked. Yam nodded sadly.

"I couldn't think of anyone else...! And he had a communication device... so...-!" Sinbad cut her off by bowing to her. "S-Sinbad!?"

"Thank you! You reunited me and him! I'm so... happy! I'm not mad at all, and you ,are the right choice. Thank you." Yam tried to get Sinbad to get up, but he stayed down. He kept repeating, "thank you," over and over again.

"Sinbad... please... it's my fault you two were separated in the first place." Sinbad then looked up.

"That's true, but I forgive you. I never really held any grudges against you, I was just mad. Thank you, again. I'm going to go rest. Drakon is in charge while I rest, ok." Yam nodded and helped Sinbad to his room.

Once Sinbad was inside his room, he saw Jafar sleeping soundly in his bed. He smiled and settled down next to him. He remembered the last time he slept with Jafar. It was 2 years ago... that long...! He smiled at the memory then sat up to kiss Jafar on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, Jafar." He said, then laid down and went right to sleep.

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