Chapter 4

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N-No one gonna talk about this? Ok... this was just too funny not to put in. And if you're still here, ily! We should become friends because I love people who will read my fanfics even if they're dumb. Just know I put a lot of work into these fics and I really appreciate anyone who reads them. Even if you guys don't like it, ily! Also you're perfect and wonderful! Ok chapter 4!


I bet time just stopped- wait. No. Jafar's still blinking at me. Sinbad cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak, but was caught off by Jafar.

"I'd hate to interrupt this conversation, but I have something I need to discuss with you, Yua." Sinbad's eyes widened as he realized it. Jafar was talking! It was that voice box, wasn't it?! Sinbad blinked multiple times but was pulled off the floor and dragged outside the room without Jafar by who he thought was Yuki.

"Sorry about that, but I need to show you to your room." Room? Sinbad blinked again, seeing if his eyes were deceiving him. Pointy ears. Elves. These are elves! Before he could say anything, Yuki ran down the hall to a door. He pointed at the rusty seal on it. It had the name engraved in it. Jafar. "This was Jafar's old room when he stayed here on his last mission, about 6 years ago. We didn't want anyone to sleep there until he returned, so we only went in there to clean it. Since you seem to be his friend, we're giving you his room so you'll share it." Sinbad gulped as the door opened. "Just so you know, he left some stuff in there and we didn't touch it so... be ready for that." Yuki whispered the last part and Sinbad felt like screaming when he entered. It was a completely normal room with a bed on one side and a desk and closet on the other. There were no windows, probably because they were underground. That's when Sinbad noticed a notebook on the desk.

He walked to it and sat down. He heard the door close behind him as he opened it. "Dinner is at 6! Don't be late! There a clock in that room!" Yuki was right, there was a clock. Sinbad then turned back to the book. He turned to the first page.

September 3
Hello, this is Jafar, your new owner, I guess. Um... I guess this is what you call a diary? I just write my thoughts in you? Well, that's what Yua told me. Oh, she told me to call her Yua, not Ms. Yua, so I guess... Ha... I'm horrible at this, aren't I? Anyway, Jamil told me to go find out what I could about this secret elf people. He told me to kill any elves that I come into. But as you can see, I haven't killed any elves so... I was thinking about staying here with the elves for the rest of my life, but... Jamil... What would he do? I mean... the kids here say that I'm like an older brother to them and... Yua is like a older sister to me... Jeez... one day someone is going to read this and I'm going to be so embarrassed...! Hahaha... that was sarcastic. Well, I'm going to put some thought into it, better get to bed. Goodnight.-wait! You need a name! What would you like to be named? How about... Hmm... Jame! Yeah, I like it! What about you? Ok, good. Goodnight, Jame!

Sinbad felt his heart lift. Jafar seemed to innocent as a child. He chuckled as he read the next few pages.

September 7
Jame! You won't believe what happened today! Mr. Delia asked me to spar with him! I lost, of course, but I think he was cheating! Haha! Yuki gave me a big hug and told me that he thought I did great! Sorry... I just can't hold back my tears. If only mom were here to see this. Oh, you don't know what happened to my mom, do you? I can tell you, if you'd like. Alright, where do I start?

Sinbad was now intrigued. To get to know Bal's wife and Jafar's mom. It would be interesting to know about her.

She had my silver hair and she had pale skin like me but a little darker. She also had freckles but more than me. She was really nice to me and taught me how to be kind and generous to people.

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