Season 2: chapter two

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Look at these babies! I truly think we should see more Hinahoho as a dad to Jafar. But here's part two. I don't plan to give you guys headaches this chapter with history stuff again. I just wanted to do research that part. Anyway, I want you to know, we probably won't hear from Jafar until like chapter 4. I won't spoil what I plan, but that probably means these chapters are going to be pretty short. Sorry.


As they walked onto the docks of Sindria, to only be greeted by his 10 generals, apart from Masur and Yam; Hinahoho, Drakon, Pisti, Sharrkan, Spartos, Rurumu and Mystras. He smiled at them and greeted them. "It's very nice to see you all again." He said, turning to face Drakon. "How is everything with our allies?" Drakon stood tall, his dragon form becoming taller.

"I wanted to ask you about that, actually, Sinbad. Now that we've added Cyrenaica to our 7 seas alliance, we have more land. We have a lot of threats that we're spreading our territory too far, and we need to stop. Most of these threats come from Kou, and they have a magi, one of those magical creations of the gods." Sinbad thought for a moment. He sighed.

"Fine. I'll lay off gained more space, but tell Kou that if they want a fight, they'll get one." This was only a joke, but Drakon nodded seriously and walked away. "I didn't mean to actually tell them that~- oh he's gone..." Yam snickered behind Sinbad and he turned to glare at her. He sighed. "Ok, everyone go do what you need to. I need to get some rest. I might like the sea, but I'm not able to sleep too well on a rocking boat." All 9 generals nodded and walked off. Yam ran to tell Drakon it was only joke, which Sinbad was thankful for.

Sinbad walked over to his bedroom and stared out at the sea. Even from there, he could smell the sent of salt water. He then closed the window and plopped down on his bed. He stuffed his face into his pillow, smelling the scent of his hair mixed with the ocean. Damn... I wish I could smell him on this pillow... He thought. But that thought quickly faded when Sinbad's bedroom door bursted open.

"Sinbad! We have trouble!" Mystras yelled.

"What is it?!" Sinbad asked.

"The Kou is planning on taking over Sindria! They have a fleet of about I don't know how many ships heading this way! We just got the news minutes ago!" Sinbad was enraged. Really? Was Kou really that stupid? But really, who was more stupid? Kou had a magi, which was loved by god and everything that made up this world. The only thing that could stand up to a magi's power was god himself, an angel, a devil, or an ancestor. Thankfully, Sinbad had multiple devils and angles at his disposal.

Sinbad took a deep breath and stood up. He was feeling a headache form. He didn't want to go to war, he just wanted to sleep in his bed. He wouldn't let his emotions control him. He shooed Mystras away and he nodded, turning away and closing the door. Sinbad sat in silence for a while, pondering. What would he do...? No. What would I do? He asked himself. I'd think of the best course of action and take that route. And the best course is to avoid war, but that's impossible now that Kou has kinda declared war. I need to find a way to end it peacefully. I don't want to lose anybody else. What if I just talk to Kouen? He seems reasonable enough to put down his army. Yeah. I'll just do that. Sinbad opened his eyes, now knowing what he was going to do. It was a plan full of wholes, but it was the only one he had at the moment. He called for a war meeting with all 10 generals.

"When they get here, I'm going to talk Kouen down." Sinbad explained. Everyone stared at him, shocked. Yam was the first to speak up.

"But Sinbad, you know that if that plan fails, you could die! We can't lose our future king, Sinbad!" Sinbad shook his head.

"And I can't lose anymore people special to me." That seemed to shut her up. (Sorry if that was a bit harsh, but I do like Yam, but sometimes I just don't so here we are) Sinbad turned to everyone else to see if they had any other objections or ideas. Pisti spoke up.

"What are you going to do once- if it fails?" She asked. Sinbad stared down at her.

"I'll try to get away as fast as I can, but if I can't, I'll fight. You guys will be by my side, but remember, you can't die." Sinbad spoke foul, but let everyone know he felt fine. What really mattered was how he'd convince Kouen to stop the war. Sinbad thought for a moment, then realized something. "Kouen probably isn't going to listen to reason, is he?" He questioned. Everyone nodded. He expected that answer. "Well, he might be reasonable to understand so... the plan is still the plan. Everyone be ready at your stations, they'll be here by dawn."

Everyone nodded and left the room. Sinbad sighed to himself as he sat down. Why...? Why is everything so hard right now...? Geez... Sinbad then grabbed something out of a bag he had brought with him to the room. It was a book-no, a diary. It was Jafar's diary. Sinbad had been reading Jafar's diary about 10 times in the past 2 years, and it never got bored. Each time he read it, he felt closer to him. It made him smile as he read the first page, but skipped the second one, since it was too sad to read.

After a few hours of reading, Sinbad put the book back and started to his position. The sun was barely rising over the cliffs nearby his country. He could see ships sailing through the cliffs. Sinbad gulped, readying himself for the worst. But he wasn't going to let anyone die. No one would die on his watch.

Ok, short chapter again because Jafar hasn't really been heard from, so yeah! I had to edit the first chapter of season one to, "season one: chapter one: part one, to season one: chapter one." Just so ya know. Like I said before, Jafar will probably show up in like chapter 4 or 5, so stay tuned for that! Ok bye!

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