Chapter 5: part one

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It's true. No one plans a murder out loud. Well done Jafar, well done. Ol chapter 5! Idk, be kinda ready for some romance stuff, but I'm not going all the way, I want Jafar and Sinbad's relationship to grow over time. That's why it's taken 5 chapters for Sinbad or Jafar to even acknowledge the idea that they might love the other. Ok, here we are!


It had been 3 days since him and Sinbad had arrived at the elves safe heaven. Although the elves were planning on going to war soon, it wasn't really possible. Mostly because the goblins lost their leader and most of their population.

Jafar sighed and opened his eyes. He'd been having trouble sleeping lately, probably because he refused to sleep on any comfortable furniture. He could feel the bags under his eyes as he yawned. He was laying in a hallway where he slept in. He sighed once again and stood up. His voice box ran out a few hours ago, sadly. So he couldn't speak anymore. He liked being able to speak.

Once he got to his bedroom, he knocked on the door. There was muffled answer, notifying him that Sin was in there. He slowly opened the door and did the same closing it. The room was dark, but he was able to see perfectly fine. He walked over to the desk in his room and sat down there. He put his head down on it and closed his eyes. Even though it was uncomfortable, he found himself falling asleep pretty fast.

"Hey. Are you going to sleep there all morning? Or are you going to do something today?" Sin asked. Jafar chuckled but quickly went back to trying to sleep mode. After a few moments, he was fast asleep.


It was hard to see in the dark, but Sinbad could tell that Jafar was really tired and that he was now asleep. Sinbad sighed and sat up. He didn't like the idea of Jafar tiring himself out. He carefully settled Jafar in his arms and brought him to the bed, undoing the covers a bit more to set Jafar down. Slowly and gently, knowing the assassin could wake up at any moment, Sinbad placed Jafar onto the bed. He then pulled the blankets over Jafar's body. There was a moment where Jafar's face was lit by a small fire lit from Sinbad.

Sinbad felt intrigued to the face. It was one of calm and at ease, something made him want to stroke that face; to yearn for it to stay that way forever. So, he stroked Jafar's chin and cheek. Soft. How could someone so bloodthirsty have such soft skin? Sinbad didn't know the answer, but he wanted to find out. Gently, he moved his hand to Jafar's hair, feeling the strands tangle around his fingers a little. Soft, again.

Sinbad sighed and removed his hand. He should know better than to touch someone while they're sleeping, especially if they're an assassin. He must've been lucky Jafar didn't wake up and kill him. Suddenly the door opened and light shown through the room.

"Oh, good morning, Sinbad." It was Yuki. Yuki had always come in the mornings to check up on Sinbad and Jafar. Most mornings it'd just be Sinbad in the room, but today... today, Jafar was there, which must've surprised Yuki. "Jafar's here?" He asked. Sinbad nodded. Yuki walked over to where Jafar was fast asleep at on the bed. He smiled.

Sinbad watched as Yuki seemed to be enjoying seeing Jafar like this, just like Sinbad. But maybe for different reasons. Sinbad also stared in awe at the marvelous beauty laying in bed. Yuki then sat down on the bed where Jafar's legs weren't. Sinbad sat down on the chair.

Yuki hugged his hands together. "Um... I want to thank you... for well... everything, I guess." He stated. Sinbad was confused. What did he do that Yuki needed to be thankful, if anything, it should be him saying this. "Oh um, I meant for helping Jafar. You see, he's been alone ever since he was a small child, and well... I guess it really hit him, unlike the rest of us. People... weren't always so nice to him, so he's always going to be new to kindness, but please... promise me... you'll protect him, and be his friend." Yuki pulled out his hand for Sinbad to shake, which he did.

"That was my plan all along, Yuki. I was always planning on protecting him and being his friend. He just needs time to work with the changes going through his life. Just give him time, and he'll open up a lot more." Yuki smiled and nodded. Then he stood up.

"I need to head bad to Yua, thanks for that, Sinbad. I'll see you later, ok."


Time skip:

Sinbad walked down the surprisingly empty hallways. Usually during this time of day, there'd be elves wondering all over the place. He wondered where everyone was. When he finally rounded a corner and saw someone, they were running towards the cafeteria. Sinbad followed them, and when they opened the door, he found himself almost being trampled on by elves. They were everywhere and some of them were trying to leave, while others were crying.

Sinbad was able to walk in and find a place to stand without any troubles. He found himself looking for Jafar, who had woken up earlier and left the room without a word. Sinbad assumed that he'd gone here for the time being to find Yua, but he couldn't see the short male anywhere. He considered calling out his name, but decided not to. So he tapped an elf on the shoulder.

"Do you know where Yua and Delia are?" He asked. The elf turned to him and had a look in their eyes of sadness.

"Yes. It seems... the goblins attacked us. Yua, Delia, Yuki, Jafar, and anyone who can fight are fighting them. I have no fighting experience so I'm unable to fight. My brother is fighting... so... are everyone's family members." Sinbad's eyes widened. Jafar and the others were fighting!?

Hastily, Sinbad ran out of the cafeteria and to his room. He quickly grabbed his sword and Jafar's darts and ran back to the cafeteria. He learned that they were fighting somewhere outside the underground hallways. So he ran to the stairs that led back to the world above. As he ran, his anxiety raised. No one had told him about this. He could have helped. He could have... Damn it! Jafar doesn't need to do everything on his own!


Jafar was wining against the goblins that came to him. Yua and Delia seemed to be doing just fine, along with Yuki. The other elves were struggling but keeping their ground. Although that they were certain to win, Jafar didn't want to jinx it. He just kept fighting without his darts.

Goblin after goblin, Jafar killed and killed. He wished he could stop killing, but that wasn't an option in war. But without his darts, he couldn't move his body the way he wanted to. Damn that Sin. Jafar turned to face another goblin and punched them in the face. There was a slight yell from them.

"Do it now!" They yelled. Jafar looked up and saw Yuki a few yards away from him. Yua and Delia were farther away than him than Jafar was. A huge goblin ran towards Yuki with speed no one could pick up, not even Jafar. Jafar watched as Yuki didn't even seem to notice. He was going to yell for Yuki to run, but he didn't have a voice anymore.

God damn it! Yuki's going to die because I was to focused on surviving instead of trying to escape that place and using my voice! This is all my fault! Please god, save him! Please! I promise I'll talk more and get back to being that kid I was! I promise I'll be more open to others! I promise I won't kill anyone without reason anymore! Please! DAD!

A flash of lighting bursted out and Jafar was gone in a thunder clap. Yuki turned right as the goblin was about to strike him. He screamed and ducked. Although he was a great fighter, he was still only 12 at the moment. He must've been scared and was just letting it all out. The goblin held up their sword and was ready to strike down. It swung.



Sorry that was kinda a short chapter and it was late, but I'm hopefully going to post another one today. As said before, Jafar and Sinbad don't fully love each other yet so don't expect them to kiss in the next chapter yet.

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