Season 2: chapter 8: season 2 end

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Hmmm. Yes. Beautiful. I love it! Season 2 end... Yes, I know, it sad. But I'm planning on making a season 3, which will probably be the last season... Anyway, a fun fact about me is that I play volleyball so I have practice today so I'm not going to get as much things done today as I would like. It will be the same for the next 2 days, ok bye!

No one

The country was peaceful this night. Really. Peaceful. It had only been a month after the party, and everything was going smoothly. All but one thing; Sinbad had to send Jafar away on a year mission. Now that... was upsetting...


Jafar was packing up quickly so that he could get going. To be honest, he kinda wanted to leave. Of course, he didn't want to leave his friends and fiancé, but he wanted a change of scenery. Sin was sitting at the edge of his bed, arms crossed. Jafar sighed. "I have to go, Sin. And a year isn't really that long, you know." Sin huffed and turned away from Jafar.

"You don't have to go...~" Sin coed. He was trying to get Jafar to stay. Jafar smirked and looked at Sin. His face held a smile, but his hands held his darts. Sin flinched and backed away. "Ok... ok... you have to go, I get it. But I don't want you to go!" Sin completely yelled. Jafar sat up and stretched.

"Well, Sin. I'm not going into any enemy territory. I'm only going to a small island to do research on a topic that could be useful to us. No one else is going to come with me, but I'll be fine. You gotta remember that I spent 6 years as a slave and even more as an assassin." Sin stood up and walked over to Jafar. He wrapped his arms around his waist and slowly put his chin on his shoulder.

"That's what I'm sad about... I wish I could've saved you and your mom." Jafar chuckled and stroked Sin's chin and hair. How did he keep it all so smooth? Well, like Jafar had any idea to ask, he didn't do anything to his skin and he still had smooth skin and no acne. Sin pouted again and hugged Jafar closer. "When you get back... if you want... would you like to get married then...?" Sin asked. Jafar turned to face Sin. He smiled.

"Of course!" He then wrapped his arms around Sin's neck and Sin lifted Jafar in his arms. Jafar wrapped his legs around Sin's waist and Sin supported him with his arms. They kissed quickly and Jafar spotted Baal's sword in the corner of his eye. He stared it down and got down from Sin. He walked over to it and smiled at it. "Take good care of yourself. Don't get into any wars, ok. If you die, I'll lose my love of my life and my dad, so please... don't die." Jafar said. Sin sighed and grabbed Jafar and pulled him down to the bed. "S-Sin!?"

"You're not allowed to be all depressed! If you are, I'll come bring you home in a snap of a finger!" Sin then started to tickle Jafar. Jafar tried to move Sin's hands off him while laughing. Tears rolled down his cheeks from the tickles.

"S-Sin! S-stop! That t-tickles!" He laughed. Sin laughed when he stopped and Jafar took a moment to breath. "You're a jerk..." He whimpered. Sin laughed and helped Jafar up. "Anyway, I need to get going." Jafar looked Sin in the eyes. "Don't do anything stupid, or I'll call you Baka for the rest of your life." Sin nodded and Jafar went to finish packing.

Time skip

Jafar pecked Sin's cheek as he walked onto the ship. He waved goodbye to everyone who had seen him to the docks for his departure. Yamu yelled, "When you get back, I'm going to have a better experiment than you!" Jafar laughed.

"I bet you will!" He yelled back. He then looked back to Sin and did a slow wave. The sails on the ship flew down and they were starting to leave the docks. Once Jafar was far enough away for them to not see him, he started to cry. It was always him that had to be separated from the others, huh? Well, besides that, he'd finish his research at that abandoned island and be back in a year. He didn't know that that time would go by so slowly...

Time skip: at the island

Jafar walked off the deck and thanked the sailors for taking him. They nodded and started to leave. Jafar then looked at the island. It was full of many plants and trees, mostly palms, and animals. He walked over further into the island. Hm. This place was definitely interesting. He pulled out his notebook that he'd brought with him and examined a plant that ate a fly. He called it the, "Fly trap plant." Then he searched in his bag and found his diary which Sin returned to him last month and apologized profusely. Jafar didn't really care all that much, and started to write in the newest page that wasn't written on. Then he noticed the sun was starting to set. He pulled out a makeshift tent he'd made a while back and was about to crawl into it when he heard someone behind him.

He turned and saw a man with a long blonde braided hair, and a green hat. "Uhhh??" He questioned.


Well this was different. Sinbad woke up to Spartos, not to Jafar's usual yelling. He sighed, remembering that Jafar had left and groaned. He rubbed his eyes and got up. "You have a lot of work today, your majesty." Spartos explained. Sinbad turned to Spartos, wide eyed.

"When did I get so much work!?" He asked.

"Well, Jafar had been doing most of your work, and now with him gone, your work is what it should be at." Sinbad sighed. This was going to be a very very long year...

Short chapter, I know but I don't really care. Season 3 here we come!

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