Season 2: chapter 2: part two

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Ok so... I'm just gonna leave this here. Part two! Here we come!


One ship had come to close for Sinbad's comfort, but he saw Ren Kouen on the ship. Slowly, he made his way to the docks where they could talk to one another. Kouen watched his surroundings precisely, while Sinbad was more focused on Kouen than anything else. So much so that he didn't see the Kou warriors start sneaking under Yam's spell to keep out invaders.

"Ren Kouen, first prince of the Kou empire, I ask of you, why are you attacking us?" Sinbad asked. "We have promised to stop making allies for some time, isn't that what this is about?" Kouen just stared blankly at Sinbad before speaking.

"No, Sinbad, future king of Sindria, the conquer of the seven seas. It has nothing to do with your allies, but if they do interfere, they will pay a large price." Well that was good, Sinbad didn't call for any backup from his allies. "Anyway, if I may say, I do not like the idea you're trying to build here. People living without a care in the world? Preposterous. You must know better than me, Sinbad, that this dream of yours is futile. Give it up now or you will pay the costs of trying to rebuild a world that doesn't need to be rebuilt." Sinbad looked down, thinking. Was his dream futile? I probably was. He could never make a country with peace, and spread that peace to the world. Then some words clicked in his mind.

"It's a hard dream Sin, but I believe it's possible." Those words were Jafar's. Sinbad remembered the exact moment Jafar had those words. Sinbad had been filled with great pride at the time, but lost it after some months. He looked back up at Kouen, pointing his sword of Baal, which still didn't seem to want to work, and said,

"It might be a hard dream, but people believe in it, so I'll make it a reality." Kouen snarled and turned away from Sinbad. But before Sinbad could do anything, he heard a shout.

"THEY'RE IN! THAT STUPID WITCH'S WALL DIDN'T HOLD!" That was definitely Sharrkan. But that meant that Kou's soldiers were inside his country. Sinbad turned back to face Kouen once again. Kouen was staring at him, a tiny smirk forming on his lips as he called out a name.

"Judar!" He called out. Sinbad's eyes widened. Judar was the fallen Magi. Suddenly black rukh dispersed all over the border wall Yam had made. Sinbad watched as it covered his country, swallowing it almost. It reminded him of the darkness that surrounded him and Jafar 2 years back. Looking back on it, Sinbad had never asked Jafar how he'd gotten out or how'd he defeated it, nor did he know. Suddenly the wall started to crack.


Yam couldn't hold up the wall for long, it would break. She struggled against the black rukh that was pressing against her white rukh that surrounded her wall. Sweat poured over her face and she wiped it away. We need help! We didn't anticipate Judar. Sinbad won't be able to take him on for long! We need at least a descendent of a devil. Sinbad doesn't have Baal right now, and his other weapons also seem to not be responding to him! I need to help, but I'm stuck here!


Sharrkan fought his best against the Kou warriors. They were good, but not as good as him. He slashed and slashed at them, but their number overpowered him. He gritted his teeth and started to retreat.


Mystras was having his fair share of battles, although he was able to get rid of most of their numbers. But then he noticed the huge dark rukh surrounding Yam's wall. It was going to break soon.


Hina hurried his children and wife down into a small room. Rurumu was a general, but had to take care of the kids. Hina smiled at his oldest. "Take care of your siblings and mother for me, ok." kikiriku nodded and saluted his dad.


Pisti was on her bird, searching the sky's. There was no one to be seen up here, all except for the black rukh surrounding Yam's wall. She gritted her teeth.

No one

This battle was not going to end well, especially with how now that Kou had a fallen magi. This would be one of the stories parents tell their children for bedtime stories, or sometimes campfires songs and stories.

Sorry this one is super short! Not even 1000 words...! But I am planning on some stuff in other chapters so stay tuned!

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