Season 3: chapter 6

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So, as you can see, I'm trying to finish this story today so that I can go on with my other ideas. So here's the wedding! (When I say to put on the music video, it'll be in this font) Also, the songs in the story are "Galway Girl" and "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran.


Jafar didn't exactly like the clothing he had to wear. Mostly because it was somewhat a dress. He sighed before trying to fix his hair, which failed. He groaned and flopped down on his bed. This was hard. Who ever knew being the bride would be so hard? Jafar pulled his fingers through his hair. It felt tamed, but it looked untamed. He sighed once again.

Suddenly the door opened and Rurumu walked inside. Jafar smiled at her and made space for her on his bed. She sat down. "How's everything coming along?" She asked. Jafar groaned and leaned on his step-mothers arm.

"Horrible... I can't get my hair to look good... I've combed it about 4 times already!" He complained. Rurumu chuckled and rubbed Jafar's back to make him settle down. He took a deep breath and grabbed his comb. "Does it look ok...?" He asked. Rurumu looked at his hair and grabbed the comb then started to comb through his hair. Jafar sighed and sat there while his step-mother combed through his hair.

After a few minutes, Rurumu stopped. "Perfect." She said. Jafar looked in the mirror. It didn't exactly look any different. He groaned but decided that that was the best it would get. He thanked Rurumu and turned back to the mirror. Jafar tried to fix his dress-like clothes. Rurumu stood up and helped him. "You know, when I first saw you, I saw a pure white baby cat in my arms." Rurumu went off. Jafar gave her a confused look in the mirror. She chuckled. "And now I see a full grown white kitty getting ready to mate." Jafar blushed and looked away from the mirror.

"That makes it sound like we're about to do something sexual!" He cried. Rurumu chuckled again and finished helping him with his dress. Jafar looked at it again and smiled. Now that it was on right, it looked good. He liked it. Jafar then turned to Rurumu and thanked her again. "Thank you, mom. I'm thankful for you to be here. I've invited someone who I'd like you to meet." Rurumu nodded and they started to walk out of the room. Before they could, Rurumu stopped. She turned around.

"I almost forgot!" She cried. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a hair ornament. She then placed it under Jafar's hair. "There we go! Now you're ready!" Rurumu told him. Jafar smiled at her and they both locked hands before leaving the bedroom.

Time skip: the wedding

Sinbad stood in the garden area overlooking the ocean on his beautiful island. The wedding was about to start, and he just couldn't stand still. He twiddled with his fingers for a good 5 minutes before Masrur put his hand over Sinbad's shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asked.

Sinbad nodded at Masrur and smiled. He was ok, but he was also nervous. Oh god help him. He needed serious help with his anxiety right now. It was funny, he wasn't scared to face off enemies, death, or even others. But when it came to this stuff with Jafar, his heart skipped too many beats. He sighed, relaxing himself. But this relaxation wouldn't last long because the wedding started with the sounds of bells ringing.

Sinbad gulped as he turned to see Jafar walking down the isle. He wore a knee long dress with black leggings. The dress was a combination of the colors red, purple, blue and orange. It was beautiful. But not as beautiful as the person wearing it.

Jafar's face didn't look too different except the red ornament under his hair that dropped onto his forehead. Jafar smiled happily as he walked up to Sinbad. Sinbad blushed hard and the anxiety he had just pulled away was now back but 10x worse.

"Do you take Jafar as your wife and queen?" Was the question that brought Sinbad back to reality. He didn't hesitate answering.

"I do." He answered.

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