Season 3: chapter 3

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Ok. So in this chapter, Baal looks like this ^^^. And Jasmine (Jafar's mom) looks like this:

 And Jasmine (Jafar's mom) looks like this:

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Just wanted to make that clear. (Baal is in a human form just so you know) ok let's just get into it.


Baal walked slowly along the street. It was raining, so the street was muddy and wet. He groaned when he stepped in a mud pile. He kicked the mud off his boot and kept walking. But what he didn't know was that there was an assassin following him. Once Baal reached the tavern, he didn't hesitate to walk inside and sit down at a small table in the corner of the room.

This feels weird... I should sense someone following me by now. Are they that good at concealing their presence? Damn it. Baal looks up at the waiter who handed him a jug of wine. He accepted it and drank it all in 4 huge sips. Once he was done with 4 jugs, he paid, and left.

The feeling being drunk finally got to him when he left the tavern. He almost fell over after his first steps. He groaned, remembering how much of a tole it was to turn into a human just for some drinks. He'd definitely feel this later on.


Baal felt pain.

Baal looked down at his arm to see blood slithering down it. His eyes widened and he cover his arm, which was becoming dumb. God damn poison. He ran into a nearby alley, which probably wasn't the best choice, because he got trapped immediately. Baal turned around to face the assassin. They had darts flying down from the wires wrapped around their arms. They ran at him and he reached his arm out to blow lightning at them. They took on one lightning strike with force and kept charging at Baal. Baal could feel sweat fall from his forehead and blasted more lightning at the assassin. They took on many of the bolts until they finally made their way up to Baal's face.

Baal's back was against the wall, and he didn't have anywhere to go. He was definitely going to die in his human form. (When he is in his human form, his power goes down to not destroy the human form) The assassin struck their darts into Baal's stomach and he threw up blood. "Ugh!" The assassin then stepped away and watched Baal fall to the ground. He clenched his stomach. "Damn it... Shit... You got me... *cough cough* Just finish me off already..." He stated/begged. To be honest, he didn't want to live anymore. He was born as a djinn or so much as called a god, and it wasn't fun at all. You had to follow orders and not make trouble for anyone. He wanted to die, so he'd except any kind of death, even painful.

The assassin bent down to Baal and snarled. "So you want to die?" They asked. That voice was clearly a female. Baal nodded, blood trickling down his jaw. His vision was slowly becoming blurry. The assassin sighed and Baal felt them roll him over. They'd finish him off, for sure. He closed his eyes, thinking he was dead, but in reality, he was just asleep.

Time skip: morning

Baal woke up with a massive pain in his stomach. He winced in pain as he felt his stomach. It was... bandaged up. He looked at it then around him. He was in a tent, so he was probably in a campsite. So the assassin didn't finish him off.

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