Season 3: chapter 5 part one

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I'm just going to go right in. Enjoy!

No one:

It was about 5 more days until the wedding, and Jafar was stressing over the smallest thing ever. The yells in frustration were enough for anyone to tell he was done with something. But what was it?


Sinbad had heard from the other generals that Jafar was frustrated with something, so he decided to go check on him. Well, it didn't exactly go as planned.

Sinbad walked over to Jafar's office only to see the door was open. He immediately became worried and ran inside, but only saw Jafar with a pile of paperwork at his desk and ripped up paper scattered on the floor. Sinbad closed the door slowly so that Jafar wouldn't hear it- "What is it, Sin?" -never mind.

Sinbad chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "I um. Just wanted to ask why you are so frustrated lately?" Sinbad asked. He felt the pressure coming off of Jafar, and it definitely wasn't a pleasant pressure. Jafar glared right at Sinbad. He then sighed.

"Frustrated, huh? I guess you could say I'm frustrated with," Jafar pulled up a sheet of paperwork about drinks for the wedding. "THIS FUCKING PAPERWORK!" Jafar yelled. Sinbad tried to laugh it off but Jafar stood up and in half a second, was in front of him. Jafar's eyes were slits and he looked more like a snake than a human. "You think you can get away with this just because you're my fiancé and king~? That's not gonna happen~!" Sinbad gulped and turned around and opened the door then ran out of the room.

"AHHH! HELP! JAFAR'S GONE INSANE! HE'S AFTER ME!" Sinbad cried. He looked behind him only to see nothing. Most people would be relieved but for Sinbad, he was more scared. When he looked back around, Jafar was right in front of him. Wires wrapped around Sinbad's body.

"Where do you think you're going, my dear~?" Jafar coed as he stroked his darts against Sinbad's chin. Sinbad gulped. "Don't think you can get away from a pro-assassin~." Jafar was now teasing. Sinbad shook around in the wires but suddenly he was upside down. Jafar wiped his hands off and started to walk back to his office. "I'll take you down later. Unless someone comes and frees you, but this wing isn't too occupied, so don't get your hopes up." Sinbad gulped and Jafar then left.

This was going to be a rough day, wasn't it?

Later on, the generals asked Sinbad where he had been all day. Most of them assumed he'd been out drinking, but he wasn't drunk, he was just scared. He explained that Jafar happened and nothing else. That night, Sinbad slept in his own bed.

Short chapter, I know. But this is two parts, so... yeah! I felt it was necessary for things to get back together after the last chapter with Jafar sobbing almost the entire time. We needed the crazy side back. (I love crazy Jafar sometimes) Anyway, gonna get part two started. Bye!

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