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After an awkward silence for almost 3 whole minutes. I finally hacked the cameras and left my plan to tease Taehyung aside.

I wanted an explanation, and it was written all over my face, they could easily get the hint.

"I'm your brother's friend" The mystery guy finally decided to speak. I stare confusedly at all 3 of them and then stare into the guy's eyes.

"I'm Agust D, by the way, but they call me Agust or Yoongi, you may not know me... but your brother has contacted me and told me to take care of you and now he's planning on getting all of us out."

"Hold on a second. What?! And he didn't tell me anything about it? Wait... Are you the second person he wanted to talk to right after my visit with him?"

"Yep, that's me," he smirked, and that's when I scoffed, crossing my arms after hearing his confirmation.

I can't believe my brother really sent me a babysitter while I'm almost turning 21 and will be graduating soon - I'm planning on going to an actual school and stop online schooling.

My 'parents' made me do online school because they didn't trust me enough for this world. And didn't want anyone to know me as I am a disappointment to the family.

First, I'll get a job, then get my education done and live on with my life far away from those useless people who treated me like shit after my real mother's death.

"Okay, so when are we getting out? I did what you guys requested," I swung my arms carelessly making them hit my thighs.

I have to admit, that I got a bit sad that Seokjin didn't tell me anything about this and the saddest part is that I'm hearing it from them. And not from someone whom I trusted with my whole heart.

Why didn't you come to me first?

I sighed looking down at the floor. I think Taehyung noticed while Jungkook was saying something that was a total blur to me.

I was just lost in my thoughts, but quickly snapped out of it when my phone started ringing, caller ID was my brother's.

I don't feel like talking to him now.

I slowly handed it to Taehyung. He confusedly stared at my phone then at me twice before taking it to answer.

"Yah, Seokjin hyung, we are where you told us to be."

As they had their conversation, I sat down on the floor followed by Jungkook and Yoongi's gaze.

Before they could say something, Taehyung ended the call and told us to move towards a direction so we followed and did what he told us to do.

After 10 minutes of changing paths from left to right. We entered a tunnel and crouched down altogether, heading towards the roof.

Once we saw a light, we quickly approached it and finally got out.

I took a deep breath inhaling the beautiful air and swung my arms open spinning around.

I felt the boys staring at me and chuckling. I could care less as I didn't feel this freedom in such a long time.

Being in jail I never felt like going outside to meet up with anyone but Jungkook.

We only had a 15 minutes break for the whole day.

It's like a limited time for you to be outside, and I hated it.

"Hey, spinning helicopter, open ur eyes" Jungkook chuckled while talking.

I stopped spinning and stared at them with a huge smile on my face, but it faded away once I saw Seokjin standing right next to them.

I glared at him, everyone turned confused, as Seokjin was nervously chuckling under his breath before approaching me.

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