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I was just standing there thinking of how I ended up having feelings for a future mafia boss.

Never in my dreams had I ever thought of this happening. We just somehow met out of the blue while I ran out of home and got dragged into a dark alley.

It's funny how I hated him so much for his annoying attitude but now I somehow fell for this idiot.

Just by thinking about the day how my parents made me run away made me a bit sad but without any regret. I wouldn't have met him if I hadn't run away that day. So I guess I'm thankful to say they made me run away from home?

Tsk. sound apathetic but just about right. I was walking upstairs greeted by the few bodyguards surrounded around the area and a few maids taking their leave.

I saw how Mr. Kim always kept an eye on me. I know he doesn't trust me and wants Irene to be his daughter-in-law, but I just want to prove him wrong that she's not the one for him.

Neither am I perfect but at least I'm not a fake like her and cheated on him when he was fully in love with her. How can someone be so cruel and cheat? Like if you don't like them anymore just break up before going to someone else's arm it's less painful for the other.

I bet that made Taehyung the way he is, I can sense that he doesn't let any girl approach him, but then I think about myself. He did allow me to be the only girl close to him.. but why? I shurgged off the thought and entered his room.

The second I openned the door the light flashed open and I saw a tiny note and a red dress. It was beautiful but also a little too exposing. Well especially the leg part and the shoulders.

I went up to the beautiful dress laying on the bed and read the note by Mrs Kim. Taehyung's mother had great taste but it wasn't really made for me. I was more into comfortable clothing like a hoodie and sweats but not dresses like these maybe simple ones but not too revealing.

"I received a call from Jimin and was asked to land you a beautiful dress for tonight, enjoy your party my beautiful daughter in law and oh don't forget to seduce my baby boy for me, this dress worked on my husband so I'm sure it will work on him... anyways love you!" I read the note and felt a little heated around my cheek area.

I cleared my throat and grabbed my phone out to see Jimin's texts messages about a party at his mansion tonight and to bring Taehyung.

I mentally rolled my eyes and made my way to the bathroom and took a quick shower before wearing the outfit displayed on the bed. After wearing it I was quite surprised with my look. I look really good... a little too good which made me shy.

I was going to turn around but was disturbed by a door opening and a voice that send shivers throught my spine. "Take it off now..." well dammit. I was trying to take it off anyway but I can't do that anymore because there isn't other dresses to try out and I don't even want to check our shared closet.

I gathered up some courage and turned around while grabbing the hair comb from the mirror stand and brushing my fresh hair that was still a little wet from the shower I took earlier. I saw how Taehyung was scanning me from head to toe, I blushed but didn't show it as I had my professional poker face.

He on the other hand was also blushing? But couldn't properly see it since he was now looking down. I raised an eyebrow and stopped combing my hair. Was he nervous around me and did this dress make him this way? A little smirk made up my lips at the thought of Mrs Kim message about seducing him.

I guess I didn't need to really do anything when this dress did the job for me. I walked up to him making his eyes go wild and look at me with nervousness.

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