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"Stop, it's not funny!" she sighed as she ran through her pearly black hair while the girls laughed at the explanation she just briefly took a moment to share.

"We saw it coming, honestly," Lisa nudges her as she annoyingly rolled her eyes while the other two chuckled and shook their head in agreement.

Jisoo then sighed and bit her lips. "What do I do now? Now that I l-like him?" she stammered being a bit hesitant if she should ask such a type of question that sounded so absurd to even let it out.

"Well start dating," Chaeyoung shrugged her shoulders while the other two put their hands under their chins into a thinking position. On the other hand, Jisoo was held back from her statement that she found a little eerie to bear.

"I can't... he doesn't like me... we're frenemies," she murmured the last part but it caught their attention promptly causing them to clasp a thought in their minds abruptly.

"Then make him fall for you and tada you guys aren't frenemies anymore not that you guys were in the first place," Lisa exclaimed proudly and winked at the flustered Jisoo who didn't think of it as a good idea nor a simple one.

"Like that's easy, pfft," she chuckled in disbelief, plastering a repulsive face simultaneously. The girls then looked at each other and chuckled creating a little friction between them.

"An easy win is never fun that's why we should stick with harder ones," they replied in unison.

Jisoo sat down on the bench and rubbed her face out of defeat while the girls stood there watching their friend being disconcerted and frustrated.

"By hard do you mean to make him jealous by hanging out with other boys?" she quit rubbing her face as she glanced at the 3 girls in front of her for a reply.

The 3 girls nodded in satisfaction and started clapping their hands out of enthusiasm for their long waited acknowledgment of wanting to do this.

"Hmm... Jinyoung would be perfect for the job," Jennie winked and dropped her gaze to the few people around campus. Later a big noise attracted their attention and it was the person they were looking for.

"There he is," she was about to dash towards him but someone intervened which caused her to delay on the plan.

"Hey, girls," everyone's eyes darted on the guy whose hair was slicked in the back of his ears as he flashed a little small smile on the corner of his lips. Jennie having the little patience in her just rolled her eyes and was about to continue on her route but was yanked back by him.

"Jimin don't interfere! I'm going to ask Jinyoung to help Jisoo on making Taehyung jealous," she whispered her plan to Jimin, while he started affiliating his brows into a frown being utterly confused by her assertion that he felt a bit unsure of.

"Might want to explain why would Jisoo want Taehyung to be jealous?" he whispered back narrowing his eyes on hers as they swapped gazes with the others before looking back into theirs.

"Because she fell for him, duh," she whispered in his ears which abruptly made him smile and snap on his list of ideas that were waiting to be heard in the pile of papers.

"Well that makes things 10 times easier," he winked as Jennie got back to her position facing him with a frown not following him and his mouth full of ideas.

"What? How?" she probed, crossing her arms around her chest causing him to breathe out and let out whatever he has in mind for them to conclude with the plan.

"I can tell Taehyung likes her too ever since I've tantalized him by saying I'm interested in her and he reacted very weirdly in my opinion, plus that night when I brought you back home wasted he took care of her...I can see the concern and the admiration he has for her,"

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