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As she kept running, she hastily stopped in her tracks to finally catch her breath after finding herself in the park. She was far enough from home to start her important business.

finally some peace.

She expeditiously took out her pen and started filling up the important piece of paper.

Once finished, she looked at the time on her phone and saw that she had a few minutes left before the submission ended.

She takes a hold of herself and starts running again.

Her legs may be hurting but the only thing that mattered right now was to get the job by submitting the paper on time.

Arriving at the restaurant, she clangs the door open.

Hoseok who was busy counting orders flinched due to the huge noise at the entrance. "Aishh.. I lost count." He mumbled to himself.

"What was that over there?" asked one of his co-workers from behind the curtains. "Probably another hungry customer for all I care" replied the person next to him with complete fatigue.

Hoseok then chuckled at the two. "Last time, we had mop the floors till midnight, after someone forgot to close the sink. So you two better go check what's happening in there. While I take care of that." He said pointing at the bathroom door for his co-workers before gazing at the person who barged in like a gorilla.

He scans the person with his right eye and see's they're out of breath, holding down their knees with a piece of paper.

He flashes a smile knowing who the girl was. It's none other than the pretty girl who scared the shit out of him, yesterday. "Why hello there.." he whispered under his breath, chuckling.

Jisoo awkwardly smiled and bowed at everyone as they kept their gaze on her after she made a huge scene by barging in. Then nonchalantly walked towards hoseok handing him the sheet of paper that made her go nuts just to submit it on time.

"Thank you, Jisoo-ssi. But there was no need for you to rush you're 15 minutes early. Also you quite made a scene out there" he laughed, seeing her all sweaty and drained out of energy.

Jisoo just gave him a thumbs up, unbothered and brightly flashed one of her beautiful heart shaped smile.

She were just happy that she put all of her blood sweat and tears just for a piece of paper.

Now she can live in peace knowing she had something to make money out of.

"What's the silent treatment for?" Hoseok asked baffled by her kooky greeting.

Jisoo then sighed, grabbed a napkin from the counter and wrote something down after grabbing hoseok's pen which was pinned to his shirt.

'can't talk, my throat hurts.'

Handing it to him, he quickly nods and makes her sit behind the counter. They both sat down and kept silent for a brief moment.

"You know what? Let me find you something to drink, to ease that throat pain of yours. Hahaha" He chuckled before running out of there making his special drink for Jisoo, who was now fiddling with her fingers waiting for the drink to arrive.

Once done, he wipes the dripping sweat from his forehead and hands the hot coffee to the girl sitting down, unbothered by the stares she were receiving for the past 15 minutes. "I hope this helps, Jisoo-ssi."

Jisoo nodded, and happily took it mouthing 'thank you' and later after a couple of sips her throat began to cool down, enough for her to be comfortable to use her voice again. "It worked, WOW Hoseok, thanks," she replied, smiling. Hoseok in return just scratched the back of his neck nervously, chuckling at her blissful smile.

INMATES | VSOO (18+)Where stories live. Discover now