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two days later... (wedding day.)

I was standing there in front of the mirror adjusting my tie. I was very nervous and excited, I wanted to see her, but couldn't due to the rules of not meeting the bride before the actual wedding.

I sighed and moistened my lips once getting my hair fixed by the stylist. She looked like she was trying her best to avoid eye contact with me but honestly, I didn't care and didn't bother asking because she knew who I was and one wrong move she knows she's done with.

Since this was my wedding, it was held in the most private area in Seoul. All my men were guarding all 6 big access to this area with their pieces of equipment.

As for Jisoo's area, I've been assured she had 50 guards securing it. Even if my second biggest enemy is held down to my knees and locked back in the estate, it never meant I didn't have other enemies. Even if they didn't possess as much power as I did those rascals would never lose their opportunity to attack me, and for that, I kept extra guards nearby everyone.

I know they have no chance against me, but I want this wedding to be perfect. This will be going to the media and wherever this goes it goes worldwide. Today is the day. I take the throne and announce the queen that will dominate the world by my sides.

Not does she necessarily have to be involved in my business after being my wife, but either way, I wasn't planning on allowing her to be included in it because I want her to have a normal life while being with me.

Anyways, this is the most meaningful day of my life and there was no way I would put my guard down for even the scantiest second.

While being immersed in my thoughts, I received a tap on my shoulder. Glancing behind, I detected my best man, who was Jimin. He was smirking and just by that one look I identified that he knew I was impatient to meet the love of my life but I didn't want to interrogate him.

"Aren't you excited?" he wiggled his brows, making me chuckle with his little gesture.

"Pfft, what type of question is that? As one would expect, I am excited but it's taking forever. I want to meet her already."

"Chill. I got to see her and she's just sexy, actually even more than that."

"HEY! Dare to call her sexy and peek at what's mine again like that. I won't hesitate to pull your eyes out" I gritted my teeth at him, he then chuckled and patted my back while I focused back on the mirror and he stood behind me looking at it too.

"Calm down, no one's taking her away. I actually didn't get to see her, since Jennie literally kicked me out" he fixed his hair with the comb while looking at the mirror with a pout.

"Well, you deserved it. You're always nosy anyways." I shrugged my shoulder as he threw away the comb and glared at me after stating he's nosy.

"If I'm so nosy then, I will leave, instead of attending your wedding." he squinted his eyes at me while I in return poked my inner cheek with my tongue controlling my laugh.

"Wow, well too bad you're already here." I retorted while chuckling with a mocking tone, making him roll his eyes and sigh.

"Anyways... speaking about Jisoo." he curved his lips into a smirk causing me to scowl and direct my attention at him with full focus.

"What about her?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him as he smirked while examining my eyes by the mirror.

"Have you guys gotten intimate before? Because I know little junior right there had been aching to have a taste of her," he said nudging me as I poked my inner cheek with my tongue and parted my lips slightly with a smirk.

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