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The sun peeking out of the tiny puffy clouds displayed on the beautiful blue sky, the light made its way to the vast room where Jisoo slept peacefully. As the brightness trailed down to her face she rolled the other way around.

She groans as her body hits the hard floor, rubbing her temples she felt a presence of a hard feeling inside her head which is where she felt dizzy.

"Where am I?" she flutters her eyes open as she continuously rubs her temples examining the vast area she's in that she found so confusing to comprehend this early in the morning.

"You don't remember anything?" asked a man with a husky tone, she hastily turns around holding her head to not make it dizzier than it already is.

"Wh- what who are you?" she squinted her eyes as her vision blurred out the sight in front of her, the only thing she could see was a tall figure with a white towel wrapped around their waist.

"Yah! Idiot who else?" he approached her and sprinkled the water from his wet hair on her face which makes her squint her eyes and hit her face as she tried taking the drops off her face."STOB IT!" she retorted continuously as her face started to become a bit red from the hard slaps she did to herself by removing the drops of water.

"Yah! Why are you hitting yourself?! It's going to become all red, my mom's going to think you're a fresh tomato picked out the garden!" he grabbed her arm preventing her from hitting herself for the 10th time.

With her free hand, she rubbed the areas from the tingly feeling on her face and looked up with a squinting expression plastered on her face as she tried adjusting to the light in the room.

"W-what do you mean? I'm meeting your mom since when?!" she asked placing a hand on her forehead and opening her right eye to get a glimpse of his face. He curved a little smirk on the corner of his lips and shrugged his shoulders, raising his eyes in the air.

"Oh I don't know since she's been dying to see you ever since I mentioned you, but not only that also because you agreed on being my wife last night," he smirked biting his lips looking at her dumbfounded expression that suddenly merged into a confused and angry one.

"I DID WHAT?! KIM TAEHYUNG! THIS IS NOT A TIME TO MAKE JOKES!" she released his hold and points her index finger at him. He bit his thumb and raised an eyebrow in a flirtatious way.

"But I'm not joking," he replied seriously, which made her gulp that lump in that throat of hers as she gathered up a little piece of memory from what happened last night.

"What?! No no no...this cannot be happening, I was drunk last night I didn't mean anything I said okay! My mind wasn't at the right place I-." before she could continue, Taehyung kneeled down and placed a finger on her soft lips to shut her down.

"You can't back up now, you were there at the wrong time, wrong place and with the wrong person, which was one of my dad alliances and he knows who you are now and thinks of you as my future wife," he chuckled as she plastered a perplexed look on her face and removed his finger from her lips.

"But I don't like you! WE HATE EACH OTHER!" she yelled crossing her arms, he sighed and pouted shaking his head from left to right. "No we don't, we love each other," he folded his lips and shrugged his shoulders.

Hearing his reply, she gasped and widened her eyes."WHAT?! SINCE WHEN?!" she asked as if her soul were about to escape any second.

"Since you're willing to become my wife and help me win the throne," she gulped, she didn't want to believe or hear any of this but her curiosity was getting the best of her.

"WHAT THRONE?!" she yelled, he stood up from his position and clicked his tongue looking sideways while poking his inner cheek with his tongue."Every time I try telling you, you end up laughing and insulting me," he replied calmly.

She frowned upon hearing his words, she didn't understand what he meant because he was never really serious around her.

"Because you're not serious, how do you want me to take you seriously when you're not idiot?" she stood up from the ground and unbuttoned his shirt she borrowed from last night's dare.

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