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Walking out of the dorm with her head filled with angry thoughts, she ceased on her tracks hearing a middle-aged lady calling out her name.

"Young master's future wife," she smiled brightly bringing a tray of food to a tiny dining table.

"Let me help you!" she ran to her and took the tray by herself, the woman smiled at how considered she was.

"No need to help her," Taehyung who was standing a few meters away from them was laying his back on the wall with his arms crossed looking at the two. Jisoo totally ignored him and placed the big tray of food carefully on the table.

"It's heavy for her to take it" she glared at him, he then sighed and approached her, to begin with, his plan to get her back. "Jagiya. She's been working here for ages she's used to it," he smiled at Jisoo contrarily she rolled her eyes focusing on the food tray.

The ahjumma was enjoying the sight in front of her. "What a beautiful couple," she whispered smiling to herself and watching Taehyung holding Jisoo's shoulder to get her attention.

Jisoo snaked them away but was quickly held back when Taehyung held her waist instead and hugged her from the back. This little act of his made her heart go wild and turn her face into a red tomato.

"May I have a moment with my lovely fiancé?" he said huskily in her ears which made the ahjumma blush seeing the two sharing an intimate moment and nodded excusing herself.

Jisoo then sighed and rolled her eyes hearing the word fiancé.

The moment the lady left, she turned around and hit his chest glaring at him. "Fiancé? Do you really expect me to be your fiancé after what you said?!" she yelled in a whisper to not attract any attention, he then sighed and held her hand firmly.

She frowned seeing him act weirdly while playing with her fingers. "I'm sorry okay? I didn't want to lash it out on you, my dad said something that made me angry," he sighed and looked at her with puppy eyes that softened her gaze.

Being lost in his eyes for a quick second, she cleared her throat and brought her hand away from his. "What did he say that made you angry?" she crossed her arms, he then looked down biting his lower lip not sure if he wants to tell her but then gathered up his thoughts and decided to tell her.

"He said something about you being a gold digger and that my ex's better than you... I didn't want-." he was about to elaborate on his speech but then got cut off by an astonished Jisoo who wasn't having any of it.

"He really thinks that low of me? Wow, alright bring it on... I'll show him how much of a gold digger I am and wow he really compared me to that bitch. I'll prove to him that I'm way better than her" she pouted angrily while he tried to process what she said.

"Wait so you're willing to be my wife?" he brightens up his gaze and flashed his boxy smile, she then exhales heavily having second thoughts but the fact that his dad thinks low of her made her want to prove him wrong.

She gathered up her words and nodded slightly then turned away to grab a taste of the food that was left behind, but before she could Taehyung pecked her cheek which stopped time from ticking.

She turned with her face being fully red, Taehyung saw that and chuckled to himself being satisfied by his action which made him a bit shy as well. Jisoo then hit his chest which made him chuckle a little more.

"Yah! I agreed on this but I didn't agree with you kissing me!" she yelled touching the spot where he pecked her and shyly rolled her eyes before sitting down to take a bite off the food.

"Well since you agreed on this marriage, you're all mine now meaning... you get the full starter pack of what husband and wife do by that I mean k-." before he could finish talking Jisoo threw water on him and ran away, which caused him to run after her.

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