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When morning came, I suddenly felt the urge to pee. I was about to get up, but Taehyung pulled me back on the bed making me yelp.

"Hmmm don't leave...baby," he whispered with his deep and raspy voice causing my stomach to have tingles.

"But I need to pee..." I whispered when feeling him holding my waist and open one eye when pouting.

"Okay fine but come back quickly," he then let go of me and I ran off to the bathroom, and just when I was about to pee I suddenly felt like vomiting.

I quickly bent down and filled myself out and held onto my stomach. Right at that moment, I felt my eyes popping out of the sockets.

"Can it be I'm...?" I whispered to myself before searching for something inside my bag which was a pregnancy tester.

After completing what I require to do, I bit onto my nails and waited for the answer. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I just stood a mild distance from the tester and looked at it from far. Am I going to be a mother? The excitement in me was thrilling yet scary.

Gathering some vital breaths, I approached the pregnancy test and widened my eyes at the result. It revealed two bars. I tried holding in my scream and decided to surprise Taehyung. That is not now but really later.

I hid the tester and went out with my professional poker face. Just right at that point in time, I saw Taehyung running through his hair frustrated. I wondered what got him so woke this morning. Earlier he was literally sleepy and didn't want me to leave the bed.

"What's wrong? Why are you-." right before I could finish speaking, he hastily got out of bed and went to the bathroom. What is wrong with this guy today?

Anyway, I shrugged it off and decided to get ready. I wanted to spend the day with myself.

Especially when a living creature was going to come out within 9 months. I can't wait to pick a name for them already. I want to know the gender so bad. I don't mind having a boy or a girl. I'll love my first child for whatever gender.

"Baby I'm headed outside! Don't worry I'm taking one of our guards too!" I yelled but received no response.

Well, this is odd. Usually, he'd say something but I guess not today. I hope by the time I come back he's alright.


When I heard the doors closing. I understood she went out. I wanted to give her the best surprise tonight on her birthday. I was quite nervous if she would like it or not but I had to do it. I wanted to show her how much I love her.

Although even if this one might have a little twist for a birthday gift, it'll do. "Hello? I need you guys to do something today and the following one..." I smirked through the call. I can't wait to see her reaction, and I was all in for this.

"Perfect see you at that time at XXXX location." I ended the call with a proud smirk. I can't wait to do this. I did moderately planned this surprise during a span of time. I really didn't think there was any other perfect plan than this. I just knew I had to do it.

"This is going to be perfect just like our story." I slid my phone inside my pockets and went out just to see no one in the room. I guess in the meantime I could practice my acting for tonight.


a few hours later...

After walking around the Island to get to recognize the place a bit more. Jisoo decided to look at the time on her phone. She was feeling as if she stayed outside for too long and thought it was right to check the time right now. And right when she spotted the three numbers displayed on the screen. Her eyes grew wild out of shock.

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