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Waking up Jisoo sees that she's in her room. Laying her head back on the headboard she darts her eyes to the window.

She calmly gets up and walks towards it and finds the sky dark full of stars.

Mesmerized by the view she almost forgot who brought her here and that she was still in her uniform.

where is he?

The question popped up inside her head. He brought her back here but didn't leave her a message or anything.

did he leave like last time?

Curious to know where he is. She quickly turns on her heels and walks towards her door to head out. But the second she does a bucket full of water drenches all over her clothes. -- The only pair of uniform she had with pants.

There was now indeed no other option for her than to wear a skirt tomorrow which she deeply refused after receiving those unpalatable stares.

She took a brief moment to breathe before letting all her anger out, knowing who did this while she was asleep.

It was none other than her friend ; the idiot.

Although right now she didn't consider him as a friend but more of a frenemy which is clearly what described them best after everything they went through.

we're not friends, we're frenemies.

"KIM TAEHYUNNNGG!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and ran downstairs, searching for that jerk.


Taehyung was sitting on the sofa watching TV but as soon as he saw her drenched he bursted out laughing.

He was indeed satisfied that his plan, which took an hour to plan, had been successful. On the other side, Jisoo was clenching her fist ready to send him off to his grave.

But something stopped her for a second. She scanned every corner of the room and smirked knowing that no one was home yet.

it's payback time.

He stopped laughing and watched her smirk evilly looking ready to mark her territory for messing with her.

She slowly approached him which made him back away and get up from the sofa.

"Yahh! why are you looking at me like that?!" He pointed at her confused and frowning.

"Oh, I don't know, BECAUSE YOU FREAKING DRENCHED MY UNIFORM!" She ran and jumped on him throwing him as many punches as she desired.

The only thing on her mind was burying him, tonight. He, on the other hand, kept laughing hard and yelling at the 'light' punches he was receiving that only caused him nothing but to laugh a little harder since it felt like tickles.

They both landed on the sofa, her on top of him while he was under shielding himself with arms crossed and laughing.

At that moment she didn't care about the position they were in until... He switched it. Now he was on top of her -- trapping her with his arms on both sides of her face.

He breathed out as a tear left his eye from all the laughing, and stared down at Jisoo's pestered face, which was ready to throw another tantrum as she wasn't finished with him.

"You're wet," he chuckled, Jisoo rolled her eyes, in annoyance.

She found this guy even dumber than usual, of course she's wet dummy you baptized her out of nowhere - although it wasn't holy water.

"I KNOW BECAUSE OF YOU!" she yelled, and tried hitting him again, but stopped due to his weird behavior.

He shook his head and chuckled disagreeing with her.

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