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"You're set for detention, Miss Kim." The lady turned her wheelchair, facing me with her unhappy smile and then turned it into a sweet one once she faced Irene. She was right next to me with puffy eyes.

this girl is good at acting, should keep that in mind.

"What why?! She's the one who started it and it's my first day here!" I half yelled pointing at Irene while facing the lady.

"We don't care, detention is detention, it happens whenever" She shrugged, folding her arms and looking down at her desk with two raised eyebrows.

"Unfucking believable." I approached Irene's face with an annoying look. She backed out of her seat with a sly smirk.

"Language Miss Kim" The lady sighed. I then turned back to my seat and got up leaving the office.

"I don't know what type of witchcraft she did back there. But I'll get back at her really soon-."

I stopped mumbling to myself once I saw a large shadow on the ground.

I looked up and saw Taehyung. I swear this guy Is everywhere and isn't he supposed to be in class..?

"Let me guess, you're having detention?" He inquired, smiling. I scoffed, rolling my eyes and walked past him.

"If you know already, why ask?" I kept walking but then stopped once he grabbed my wrist.

"... I guess we're both facing detention today," he smirked and I scowled at him.

this guy, seriously.

"Hahaha, great joke," I sarcastically chuckled and not amused clapped my hands.

He looked dead serious as he was now raising an eyebrow, poking his inner cheek with his tongue.

I stopped doing what I was doing and exhaled in annoyance, knowing that this day couldn't get any worse.

"You're not kidding are you?" I inquired. He then chuckled while facing down at the floor. one hand in his pockets and brought my chin up with his right.

"If I were joking. It'd be funny. Anyways yes, I'll be there in detention so get ready to see my pretty face baby"

"Ew. Don't ever call me that. Bye," I scoffed, scanning him from head to toe before turning on my heels leaving him and his playful smirk.

I definitely knew he was checking me out because of this stupid uniform rule that only allows us to wear skirts on hot days and pants on cold days.

I turned around giving him one last glance as he was still standing there with his playful smirk. I yelled "Pervert!" which made him chuckle.

I smiled a little seeing him chuckling but then slapped myself once I turned around to an empty hallway.

"Why did I smile?! He's an idiot and a pervert." I whispered then rolled my eyes walking to my next period which was PE, ugh.

The final bell rang, I walked up to my locker and threw all of my books inside before smashing it close.

I knew that my day wasn't over yet because of that Irene girl and I was already exhausted from today.

I'm guessing now that I experienced real school I think online school was a better option? But that would mean no Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa..

I sighed turning around, seeing everyone smirking at my direction meanwhile I glare at my enemy who looks satisfied by her doing.

I go up to her and pull her by the collar of her shirt, making everyone gasp as she tried to get off my grip but failed.

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