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this will be harder than I thought.

He bit his lips, slightly nodding his head starring at the colossal corridor filled with students seeing if he could get a glimpse of Jisoo since he lost her after the final bell rang. "Yah!" Someone yelled from behind interrupting him from his business. Turning around he finds a short person grinning at his presence. Miffed, he replies in an exhausting tone."Yes? Jimin."

Jimin stops grinning and smirks."Why were you chasing after Jisoo-ssi?" He elbows him cheekily. Rolling his eyes, Taehyung nudges him away and scoffs."I already told you during lunch." He gave him a dry reply, before throwing his head back to the hallway. In the interim, Jimin breathes out a chuckle attracting his attention."What?" He turned instantly, rattled by him.

"Nothing." Jimin wobbles his hands from left to right and stares down at his feet, still chuckling at his funny insight. Bothered, he rolled his eyes.

"Nothing my ass, tell me," he stated coldly. Jimin calmed himself and glanced up at Taehyung who was crossing his arms looking stern with an raised eyebrow."First, you use Jisoo-ssi to make Irene jealous and now you're chasing after her that's just... funny." He replied, licking his lips. Taehyung knits his brows into a frown not getting his explanation.

"and what about it?" He asked, baffled. Jimin sighed and chuckled a little seeing his friend still being clueless."Do you understand what I mean by chasing after her?" He tilts his head, staring deeply into his eyes."Yes, going after her to catch her attention and find out her personality." He replied blankly. Jimin crosses his arms shaking his head slightly in disapproval while Taehyung stays in the same position looking dumb as ever.

"You're so dumb, aishh.. you're chasing after her why? because you said she's special and why's she special? because she's different from Irene and you're slowly falling for her." He smirked contrarily Taehyung sneers and pulls out his repulsive face."Yeah she's special than my ex, but there's no way I'm falling for a girl like her, she's stupid, annoying, and all that!"

"Aishh.. she's a great person with an amazing personality. You just don't see it because you keep annoying her."

"That's what I'm trying not to do! Ugh, why are you being so annoying? I just want to see what you guys get to see from her. I find it unfair she shares everything with you guys but me!" He whimpered a little then ran through his hair and refrained from feeling embarrassed."Is someone jealous?" Jimin raised an eyebrow analyzing his friend from head to toe mischievously, contrarily Taehyung sighs heavily in annoyance.

"W-what no! Why would I be jealous of you guys?! I have everything you guys don't even have!"

"Then why chase after her? If you have everything?" replied Jimin coherently, while he on the other hand got irritated and yelled out his retort.

"Because I'm curious to know what my mom meant about her!" He gritted his teeth after his reply. Jimin let out a small chuckle sliding his hands in his pockets."If you're so curious then stop annoying her, maybe It'll help also be careful not to fall for her in the process, even though you might already have." said Jimin, smirking and mumbling out the last part. Taehyung rolled his eyes and stayed quiet for a bit as an idea was trying to divulge and pop out of his mind any second.

"Unless..." He murmured loud enough to attract Jimin's attention, who now turned into a frown."Unless what?" He inquires as he plasters a puzzled expression on his face.

"Unless.. I make her fall for me first!" He flashed his boxy smile, Jimin sneered and started chuckling dismayed by the scheme. "Well that took a big turn, so you're interested in her now?" asked Jimin, completely baffled by the riposte.

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