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As he stood there watching her walk away something in him made him admire her sight.

He was profoundly dazed by it and felt weird sensations in him that he couldn't untangle as it was incomprehensive.

I never realized she had a beautiful figure.

He wanted to give her a tiny peck on the cheek to tease her a bit but before he could a familiar voice stopped him from doing so. Taking a few deep breaths, he turned around annoyed by the interference which was his dad standing there with nothing but a strong aura.

"Taehyung! Get ready," He plasters a strong gaze at his father and raised an eyebrow questioning himself a little by scanning him from head to toe.

"Why? Ready for what?" his dad chuckled bitterly with a sly smirk curved on the corner of his lips as his son's expressions were perplexed by his statement.

"You forgot about the date I set a few months back?" Taehyung tilted his head as he does not remember what he's talking about, his dad then clicked his tongue in disappointment and sighed.

"Your arranged date with Irene that Mr. Bae and I had set for you both," he recalled and that's when Taehyung's memory started to hit him in a dash of seconds which caused him to react in a hastily in his mind.

"I already told you I don't like her and I disagree," he rolled his eyes and was about to walk away but the guards stopped him this little action made Mr. Kim furious.

"IT IS NOT A REQUEST BUT AN ORDER! NOW GO GET READY!" with the little patience he had he shouted. Taehyung scoffed angrily and pushed the guards, walking past them and towards his room.

Slamming the door behind, he growled angrily which caused Jisoo to gaze at him worriedly. He felt her gazes but ignored them, raising an eyebrow with no expression visible on his face as he tried to keep everything for himself.

"Where's my mom?" he asked coldly which made her frown at his attitude but didn't bother asking since she can visibly see he's not in a good mood.

"She just left a couple of minutes ago that is when I arrived here-." she stopped speaking as he made his way to his run-away closet that was as big as Jennie's house which made her eyes widened in a split of seconds.

"Hmmm," he hummed in response as he took off his shirt which made Jisoo turn her head the other way blushing and confused altogether.

He sighed and rolled his eyes watching her action from the long mirror "It's not like you haven't seen this, why are you so surprised?" he said with no emotions with made her puzzled since usually he would tease her with a mocking tone.

"E-erm, just wanted to give you some privacy... also can I have my phone?" she asked in a confusing tone as he acted weirdly towards her. Even if it weren't the first time she's facing this attitude of his, she still had a sensitive heart but she was good at keeping her emotions inside.

"It's in my safe keep, the code is my birth number," he said boringly. Jisoo silently walked towards it and tilted her head staring at the safe keep as she looked through her head trying to figure out the code.

Taehyung rolled his eyes remembering he never told her about his birth date and spoke for her. "Since you aren't going to ask, it's 12/30/95, stupid," ignoring his insult she nodded quietly and entered the numbers.

Once it opened she reached for her phone happily shoving all the mixed emotions aside.

After she closed the safe keep she turned around with her phone in her hands and quickly her jaw dropped as she scanned Taehyung from head to toe wearing a tuxedo with hair fully fixed letting his forehead visible.

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