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A week later...

Facing the ceiling while being in Jennie's bed. Jisoo kept being questioned by her just like she had been for the past few days.

why am I here again?

"So what do you think? Would it be great if I just add unicorns stickers around the walls?"Jennie said all focused on the sticker package filled with unicorns.

Jisoo sighed, turning to her childish-looking friend who gets all gibberish whenever it comes to her favourite things.

"Jendeuki, it's almost 1 am would you mind If I just doze off to sleep instead of answering your silly questions, every fucking day?" She exhales in annoyance. Jennie raises an eyebrow and rolls her eyes, quickly changing her mood from a scale of one to ten.

"... no unicorns are life and you really need them because you turn out to be moody every five minutes whenever you meet up with that kim taehyung guy."

Being all serious, Jisoo runs through her hair not knowing what to say to her, since she always know how to target the right spots in that head of hers. Giving her a dull expresion, she sighed.

"I don't meet up with him. It's him and he does it PURPOSELY!" she replied with irritation, thinking of that guy only made her frustrated.

"Well if he does it purposely, why don't you just ignore him or give him the silent treatment?" Jennie squinted her eyes with a 'duh' expression plastered on her face.

Jisoo chuckled sharply, she knew ignoring him will be impossible since he's literally everywhere she breathes in. On top of that giving him the silent treatment it's basically the same thing.

"You really think I can ignore a guy like him?" she replies with distrust, her voice showed no interest but as for Jennie, it completely meant something else.

If she can't ignore a guy like him then she must've had a crush. Jennie thought, smirking.

"...I mean yeah I know, he's hard to ignore because he's hot and also I wonder how he is in bed, I mean you know right? You lived under the same roof as him for a month? or was it more?" Jennie surfed through her head trying to figure out the days.

For the time being, jisoo pulls out her most disgusted face seeing her all focused about something that she finds unquestionably ludicrous.

"That doesn't mean I would love to lose my freaking virginity to him!" she raised her voice in a disapproving tone which made Jennie flinch from her seat and roll her eyes.

"But he's so hot! I would if wasn't in a relationship..." she mumbled, fidgetting with her fingers.

Jisoo was quite overwhelmed that this girl would've given herself to him if she wasn't in a relationship. It just didn't sit right in her mind, she was undeniably in loss of words.

"What about you?" asked, Jennie bitting her lips and winking at her face who showed nothing but disgust.

Is that even a question, you dumbfvck?

"...I'm not his type and neither is he and also are you out of your damn mind?" she scoffed, and lightly hit her forehead before continuing.

"ow-." Jennie massaged her forehead while jisoo carried on with her speech.

"Kim Taehyung is the biggest jerk to ever stand on earth, giving yourself to him will not satisfy your needs. I thought you were better than this Jennie Kim." she sneered, contrarily Jennie let out a small chuckle, rolling her eyes at her statement.

"He may be a jerk to you, but he's one sexy-looking jerk out there. Also, you guys would the cutest looking couple out here." she winked at Jisoo's uninterested face before carrying on with her speech.

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