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The sky was super dark when the clock hit midnight. Taehyung and his crew stood there in an abandoned street with their pieces of equipment in hands, eyeing down the sheriff who was shivering involuntarily out of fear but tried his best to appear professional.

The police officers were on one side standing with the sheriff and on the other stood the criminals of the famous mafia gang BTS. Both opposing sides were warily eyeing each other, although one was fearless and others were frightened for their lives if one wrong movement were to occur in the time being.

Not so long after maintaining a serene atmosphere between these two groups.

They were soon interfered by a loud thud coming from behind one of vehicles where many officers were holding Sehun, Mr. Bae, and Irene.

All were handcuffed looking as if they got awoken from their slumber and squinting their dull eyes at the flashlights being directed at their faces by one of Taehyung's many guards.

"Rise and shine motherf*ckers" Taehyung chuckled as he approached with his gun in his hands and kicking Sehun on the stomach along with Mr. Bae for a welcoming greeting.

As for Irene, she was already taken away into one of his SUVs by his men with her hands tied in chains and face hid with some cloth.

"YAHH! BE CAREFUL WITH HER!" yelled Sehun in his tired state and Mr. Bae looking at him with anger in his eyes. Taehyung then tilted his head with his dark gaze and wild dangerous smirk.

"Why be careful with her? When you should've been careful with my fiancé?" he spat his words sharply with a smirk, seeing his enemy sharing the same sympathy for their loved ones.

"What fiancé! That bitch-." before he could speak any further Taehyung's anger took over him and hit him on the stomach hardly earning a loud groan from him.

"Be careful with your words, it's my fiancé you're talking about" he let out a deep chuckle at Sehun's sight who was paining in his lower ab area from his hard kick and then turned to Mr. Bae who was still angered by the violent scene of his daughter being held up in chains and dragged inside one of the SUV's.

"Aww don't worry butt head I didn't forget you and about your daughter, she's safe well... for now" he chuckled before sternly ordering his men to chain them up correctly and put a cloth over their heads then placing them inside one of the SUVs.

"Here's the cash" he gestured to one of his men who was holding the big bag of cash to approach and safely hand it to the sheriff.

Taehyung then smirked with his dark gaze and raised an eyebrow, licking the corner of his mouth seeing the sheriff satisfied.

"I guess our deal is done here? You got your money, and I got what I wanted." he said sternly while swirling his gun with the tip of his fingers, earning a shiver from them.

"Y-yeah, our deal here is done, sir... V, thanks for the money." said the sheriff before his team, and he bowed while staring at the ground not willing to have any eye contact with the dangerous young man in front of them.

"Hmm, now don't interfere in our job, and that's my last warning before we become strangers" the sheriff nodded in fear and gestured all the officers to head back with the pack of money Taehyung's gang offered in exchange for the three traitors.

Everyone in his gang then chuckled whilst observing them leaving quickly from the scene, which made them feel satisfied seeing that everyone feared their gang as they should.

"Now once we head back to the estate, I want you guys to bring them down to the torture room and leave them there for the rest of the night, while we head to bed in peace" everyone nodded and chuckled before heading inside their SUVs to drive back to their estate and lock the enemies inside the fearful room, once arrived at their destination.

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