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⚠️ *listen to music displayed at the top it's worth the experience* :) enjoy! <3 - A/N

My breathing was getting slower with every step I took. The man who talked on the phone earlier was out of sight which led me onto my next move --- search for Taehyung before anything happens. But I also needed to be careful of my surroundings.

If I get caught, I'll never be able to save him who will ruin my plan and I'm doing this alone, no one is helping me. I only have faith in God to keep me safe in this situation.

So here I am standing on my two feet, trying my best not to break down by fear of losing him and absorbing me by the thought of it. I kept repeating to myself that I had to lose the fear because it's not going to happen. In situations like these, I needed to think positively.

As soon as I saw Taehyung standing there examining the guy who was held, hostage. I let out a shaky breath thinking that nothing had happened to him yet. I kept hiding in the corner while watching all of the men surrounded around the area.

Soon there was a gunshot. I flinched and stumbled back. My tears suddenly came out but that didn't stop me from seeing who got shot. It was one of his guards and now Taehyung and his gang members were fighting with Sehun's. That's when it hit me that the moment of sacrifice had arrived.

I searched for any distraction and spotted someone aiming a gun at Taehyung's head from a far distance, I panicked under my breath. I was losing time. Everyone was so busy fighting that no one noticed not even Taehyung. I let out a tear as I kept looking at the person which I figured was Sehun, he was hiding ready to shoot the trigger but before he could shoot him.

I ran like there was no tomorrow. I sprinted there despite the bullets flying everywhere. I didn't care as long as I made it into his arms and saved him, which I did.

He realized something hugging him and looked down with wide eyes and that's the moment when everyone went silent. Only a gunshot was heard and that's the moment I smiled as a tear left my eye again. Telling me that I accomplished my mission and I saved him.

Before I could fall on the floor as my back was now hurting and bleeding, Taehyung slowly with shaky hands and heavy breaths lowered down with me, I could see his tears running down like a waterfall.


"Shhh, Taehyung. Don't let my last memories be you crying." I whispered through the pain but managed to smile. I don't want him to be sad, all I ever wanted for him is to be the happiest after learning he got heartbroken when he got cheated on.

"J-jisoo... why did you save me that should be me! Not you!" I just smiled feeling satisfied that the last moment of my life was me in his arms. Nothing is more comforting than this despite the painkilling me through every second that passed.

"Boss, Sehun, and his members had escaped!"

"SEARCH FOR THAT BASTARD AND CALL AN AMBULANCE QUICK!" He yelled out while having me in his embrace. I tried my best to survive these last minutes because my eyes were getting heavy and wanted to close but I couldn't let that happen not before I confess.

It's better do it now, because to be honest I don't know if I'll survive and keeping these feelings inside is worse than the feeling that I'm feling right now.

"Jisoo, please hang on a little more, help is coming our way, just hang in there okay?!" he said in a hurry and worried tone, but I just smiled. I saw many of his tears falling so I held his cheeks and wiped it with my thumb.

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