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a month later...


It was Friday afternoon, my sweats were dripping by how nervous I was standing in front of Jisoo who was blankly staring at the ground as the class watched us present our little play.

All of a sudden, I didn't know how to act when the teacher had told us either to kiss or not for the scene we'll present. Obviously I was going to kiss her since I'm the only one who can touch those delicate lips of hers.

Although the thing about that is that I'm nervous that I won't be able to control myself and get carried away when kissing and that she'll get mad.

So here I was trying to urge myself not to get carried away because I wouldn't want Jisoo to get mad and right now I was breathing deeply while waiting for the signals to start our play.


Mrs. Park beamed in excitement as she watched us perform our lines and act out the scenes perfectly as she desired.

After performing a few of my lines next came the kissing scene which gathered all my frustration back to its level.

I breathed out while gently pulling her arm and simultaneously watched her blush by the action.

Once she was wrapped around my arms, I softly chuckled before closing my eyes and smashing my lips onto hers, kissing her passionately while trying not to get carried away by how addicting her lips felt.

To my surprise, she hastily kissed me back making me forget about the useless thoughts of her being angry at me for being carried away and got deeply into the kiss.

I can clearly sense that It was practically hard for both of us to hold our desires and to pull out when we craved one another as days passed by.

Everyone cheered in excitement and so did Mrs. Park before yelling cut which made us stop and connect our foreheads together while smiling under our breaths and looking at each other with nothing but love.

Whenever she blushed, she made me want to want her more but I knew I had to control myself.

She completed me and today I just couldn't stop staring at her because every time she smiled she made my heart skip a beat.

I just can't wait to propose to her later today after our graduation. I wanted to be as perfect as she dreamed it to be.

I knew all about her dreams and had pursued them for her by following each step by its order, first graduation then proposal.

We then backed away and intertwined our hands together for a respectful bow towards our audience.

Usually, like a mafia boss, I wouldn't give a bow to the class as they should be the one doing it to me, but this time I let it pass because I didn't want to get scolded by the love of my life on the day of her proposal.

"Great! Now that our last presentation for this term is all over we'll be headed towards the stadium for your graduation ceremony first you guys need to get ready!" said the teacher before taking her keys and making the class follow before her, once the bell rang.

Waiting for everyone to get out and leave us behind.

I kept on holding her hand and made her follow me to the hallways where it was now empty after seeing everyone enter the separate changing rooms.

Confused, she looked at me with her innocent eyes when we stopped a little far from there.

I smirked with my dominant look making her feel weak under my presence and gently pushed her against the wall to start attacking her with kisses, but first I started with a gentle kiss on the lips.

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