Thin ice

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"Afternoon Andy, two lattes please?"

Her manicured fingers slipped the gold card from her wallet and handed it to the server. I breathed in the smell of Rosco's coffee, eyes wandering around the modern styled cafe. It had been a while since I'd been here, finally returning was nice, I was able to have a brief chat with Emma whilst our coffees were being made. Sofia was catching up with Andy, I could hear her laughing at the collection point.

She'd offered to take the day off with me today, and I was excited to see what she had planned for us. She'd told me we could do whatever I wanted, and I agreed simply because it wouldn't be healthy for me to just cut her out, I couldn't do that to someone that played on my mind so often.

"Where to next?" She asked me, passing over the cup and taking a dainty sip from her own, the rouge lipstick leaving a small mark on the white lid. I'd forgotten how delicate and precise she was when she did things, her professionalism had always taken the forefront in her mannerisms.

"Loosen up, we're not at the Beaumont," I smirked, taking my cup and opening the door for us. We waved to the Rosco staff and left, stepping out onto the sidewalk. She threw me an apologetic smile.

"I'll never drop my professionalism Miss Willows, it's become a part of me now," she joked, trying to slow her usual brisk pace to match my stroll.

"Not even for me?" I tried sweetly, giving her puppy dog eyes.

"I thought you liked it," she replied, facing forward, breaking eye contact.

"I do, just wish you'd relax around me more," I shrugged, taking another sip of the hot beverage.

"Hop in," she pressed a button on her keys and her white Ferrari flashed next to us. 

"I will never get used to that," I breathed, running my fingers gently across the smooth paintwork before pulling the handle and stepping inside. Her car smelt like her mixed with a hint of polished leather, and I placed my latte in one of the cup holders.

"You might have to start getting used to it," she answered, elegantly fitting her frame into the drivers seat.

What the hell did she mean by that?

She sped away, her driving was quite fast for someone so concerned about their car's appearance. She didn't drive as fast as me though, I was surprised I hadn't had my license taken from me by now, I was terrible when it came to speeding. I was rudely ripped from my chilled state into shock as she braked rather suddenly, spilling the coffee I was taking a sip from down my white shirt. Luckily, it wasn't too much so it didn't burn me but a large stain soaked through the front, and I watched the patch get bigger in dismay. 

"Fuck Lana, did I hurt you?" She asked, running her fingers through her hair as concern crossed her face. She touched her hand to my chest, assessing the damage to my shirt, and I smiled at her unnecessary distress.

"I think I'll live," I joked, putting the coffee back into the cup holder, silently reminding myself to never drink anything in this woman's car ever again.

"It appears my favourite shirt on the other hand, may not make it," I sighed, looking upset.

She reached behind into the back seat, pulling a blazer forward and placing it into my lap.

"That's nice and all, but it's very hot today and I'll probably pass out if I wear this, we don't want a repeat of that do we?" I chuckled, and she laughed also, flicking her blinker on as she took a left turn.

"It's just until we get you a new shirt, I'll drive us to fifth avenue, I'm sure you'll find something you like there."

 I turned to her in disbelief and she looked confused.

"What?" She asked, pressing the gas pedal abruptly.

"As much as I'd love to shop there, you don't pay me enough for that, I'm not made of money Sofia," I giggled, leaning back in my seat.

"Who said you'd be paying?" she murmured, concentrating on the road.

"You're not paying, it wasn't your fault don't be silly," I answered, pulling the blazer over my shoulders. I turned slightly towards the window and inched my face closer to the lapel, hoping I was doing a good job at hiding how much I loved the way she smelled. 

"Watch me," she challenged, not taking her eyes off the road and smirking. 

I shook my head at her stubborn personality, but couldn't help feeling excited, I'd never shopped anywhere as fancy as this. We pulled up into a carpark after about 15 minutes of driving, and she put her handbrake on after parking in a nice shaded spot.

"Where to first?" She asked, and pushed a pair of dark sunglasses on her face, I resorted to shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand, I'd left my sunglasses at home.

"I wouldn't even know where to start," I admitted, as she set off down the highstreet. 

"I think I have a general idea of what you might like, just let me know if I'm going wrong," she suggested, automatically placing her hand on my lower back and leading me into Armani which was to our right. The level of luxury was clear as soon as we entered the glass doors, and Sofia waved to one of the sale assistants, removing her hand from my back as she did so, I immediately wanted it replaced where it was. 

"Hi Lou, can I borrow you?"

"Of course Sofia good to see you back, how can I help?" The well-dressed lady replied, politely giving me a nod hello.

"This is my P.A. Lana, and I totally messed up her shirt today, so I'm buying a new one to make up for it, size 6."

I turned to her, surprise etched in my expression.

"How did you...?" I began to ask, but checked myself, the perception skills on this woman were everything, I should've given up trying to question it ages ago.

"Budget?" Lou asked, ushering me towards her.

"None," Miss Bardot replied simply, walking towards one of the chairs in the store to sit down and wait for the store assistant to work her magic. I knew Miss Bardot was absolutely swimming in money, but she made an act which was so generous seem so casual.

I followed Lou to the shirt section and she rifled through them, asking me about my favourite colours, styles and patterns. I didn't know much about fashion at all, I was quite minimalistic when it came to clothing, all I really cared about was the way it shaped my body. I did tell her I liked simple styles and block colours though, to try and help her siphon through the rails.

She selected five, and asked if I would like to try any of them on. They were all beautiful, Lou clearly knew how to do her job, and I picked out three that I liked the most. She hung them in one of the changing rooms at the back, and drew the curtain open for me.

"Come out when you're ready, and I'll check the fit for you, I can always pin anything to shape it the way you want, and we'll send it to our tailor if you're not happy with the drape."

I thanked her, and closed the curtain, trying not to drool over the array of luxurious fabric in front of me. There was a simple white shirt with a gold detail on the breast pocket, a v-neck black shirt and a beautiful dusty rose coloured shirt. I wanted to start with the white, considering that was the colour that I needed most.

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