1. Tough Luck

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(Took me a while to make the cover picture, please don't steal it. Credits to whoever made the BTS edits.)

Hope you enjoy my book!!<3

^Jungkook's POV^

"Remember what we taught you, Jungkook?" My mother asked, worry laced in her voice.

"Yes, mom. Keep the hood up, stick with the crowd, and apply the perfume every 30 minutes. I'm not that forgetful mum, stop treating me like a child," I whined in response.

Living in Seoul was not easy. Especially since it was the city of the supernatural. Before the supernatural abomination in 1899, humans and the supernatural lived in harmony. Albeit, the vampires were never welcomed by any species living. They were hated by the humans because they drank blood. They were hated by werewolves because the two communities were at a constant battle for hunting animals for their nutrition. Everyone liked the werewolves, one reason being that they were part of the dog family, another being that they often protected humans, from vampires. Not always though, just enough to prevent any vampire from going crazy.

Not accepting the vampire community was the biggest mistake made by any species in history. They were forced into hiding, only allowed to surface when they were thirsty for blood. And even then, they would be provided small dead animals as a source of blood. Animal blood kept them alive, human blood made them stronger.

Of course, the vampires had a seat in the Council before they took over Seoul. Except, the Council no longer oversees Seoul, the city which was under the rule of the six merciless vampires. According to rumors, the oldest of the six turned the others from humans to vampires when he came to know that they were his mates.

"Good, now be careful, baby. I can't lose you too," mom said, tearing up.

"I know it's hard mom, but dad would want you to live to the fullest. I'm not leaving you any time soon, don't worry. Take care of hyung, he's the one you should be worrying about right now. I'll go get some medicines for him," I said, heading out the door. I placed a small kiss on my mother's cheek. "I love you."

With that, I left for the pharmacy.


I kept my head down, keeping an eye out for any suspicious vampire around me. It had been 31 minutes since I last sprayed the perfume. The perfume was created to hide the scent of human blood. Unfortunately, they could only make the prototype before being shut down by the six vampires. The prototype allowed the blood's scent to be hidden only for 30 minutes.

The perfume needed to be used substantially since there's a major shortage now that no more are being made. Vampires could easily identify whether or not someone is human. The use of the perfume is to make sure that a human does not get attacked by a blood-thirsty vampire.

I subtly took the small bottle out and sprayed the perfume, making sure to blend in with the people walking about.

The bell chimed as I entered the store, my hood still up. Hoods were a necessity so the vampires didn't hunt humans down with facial recognition. Masks were way too expensive for us humans to afford since they were mainly used by vampires of higher class.

I grabbed some medicine and walked to the cashier, who I'm guessing was a human since she sprayed some perfume on herself.

"Would you like a bag?" She asked as I paid for the items.

"Yes please," I replied, changing my voice. I quickly grabbed the bag and walked out of the store.

Of course, to my luck, I bumped into someone as I walked past the store. My shoulder and his arm bumped, causing me to almost fall. The person I bumped into, grabbed me by my exposed wrist, preventing me from tumbling to the ground.

"Sorry," I apologized, not revealing my actual voice. I kept my head down. It didn't take a genius to know that I bumped into a vampire. The vampire was taller than me and wore clothes that I couldn't even imagine affording. No human could afford such extravagant clothing

"Watch it, kid. Do that to any other vampire, and your head will be bitten off," he warned, his voice deep and gruff. It was laced with annoyance, which scared the living daylights out of me.

Wa.s he going to suck me dry? Was he going to sell me as a slave? What about my mother? She'd be worried sick. And my brother? Hyung would feel even worse since I left a haven to get medicines for him.

"I'm sorry, s-sir. I-I won't do it again, I p-promise." I apologized once again, shaking like a leaf. Sensing my fear, he held my shoulders gently. I flinched at the touch.

"I will let you go on one condition," he said. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"W-what is i-it?" I asked, maintaining my fake voice.

"Show me your face," he said, letting a dry chuckle leave when he finished speaking. I froze in fear. Mum would kill me if I died at the hands of a vampire.

"I-I'm sorry s-sir, I can't d-do that," I said, softly.

"Why not?" He asked. I could feel the anger radiating off him.

Unfortunately, I ended up blurting out the first thing on my mind before it could even process. "My mother told me not to!" I exclaimed, before apologizing for being loud.

He started laughing loudly. I raised my head, slightly, in confusion. His laughter was catching the attention of nearby vampires, which made me even more nervous. I bit my lip in fear, praying for him to stop laughing.

He finally calmed down, standing straight once again. "Well, aren't you a momma's kid?" He asked rhetorically, playfully nudging my shoulder.

I gulped in response, praying for an escape. A sigh left his lips, and before I knew it, I was grabbed and pulled into an alley. He pushed me up against the wall, pulling my hood down before pressing his forearm against my neck.

I clawed at his arm, pleading for him to let me go. His face was covered in darkness since he stood with his back to the only lamp in the alley, while mine was fully exposed by the aforementioned lamp.

He leaned in, his warm breath hitting my lips. I smelled blood in his breath, which meant that it wasn't long since he last fed.

"P-please, my family n-needs me," I begged, tears gushing down my face in fear. "Please l-let me go."

"Oh baby boy, do you think I care about you or your family? Now, I did feed a few minutes ago, but you just look so alluring, I'm very curious about the taste of your blood," he said, his eyes glowing red.

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