chapter three

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After I got the phone cases I wanted, I looked around at what else I could buy. I walked right by the middle aisle, and I saw Bryce near the food department. I turned around and walked to where all the makeup is and I needed some new concealer and eyeshadow.

Five minutes later, I didn't only get concealer and eyeshadow, I got tons of other things. Oh well. I was in the nail polish area when I saw Bryce behind me.

b- found you!! wait a minute you weren't even hiding-

y/n- i needed to get some things. can i help you find the rest?

b- yeah sure.

Bryce and I walked around, looking for the others. All of a sudden I knew a possible spot where Ant may be hiding.

y/n- i know where he is.

b- who?

y/n- ant. follow me.

I lead the way to around the toilet paper and paper towel area, and started looking behind him.

a- heyy!! you revealed my hiding spot!

y/n- oh well.

I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed. We eventually found the rest and we went to the mini snack stand to get some popcorn, and then we left.

We decided to meet each other at the house and watch a movie. We left and Ant rambled about some random things on the way back.

We finally made it back to the house, and I got changed for the movie;

We finally made it back to the house, and I got changed for the movie;

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I made it downstairs with my fuzzy peach blanket.

y/n- what are we watching??

a- a scary movie.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He knew I hated scary movies, especially ones with jump scares.

y/n- seriously?!

I saw Noah walk down the stairs with his black blanket.

n- what? are you scared of scary movies?

y/n- well maybe. especially jump scares.

n- don't worry i'll be here if you get scared.

I smiled and sat down next to him. I got a ding on my phone and checked who it was.

anthony: rUles rUles rUles

y/n: i-

y/n: no❤️


I put my phone down, to try and pay attention to the current conversation.

I didn't really know what they were talking about.

y/n: imma go to the bathroom i'll be right back.

I went into the bathroom and scrolled through some TikToks. I had recently just started a new account but I haven't posted anything. I saw a video of calling some of your guy friends daddy, and that would be a really good video to start my account off. It might piss Ant off, but oh well. I've been following his rules so far, and it's just a joke. I think.

I walked back to the movie room, and took back my seat next to Noah. They started the movie, and I kept on high alert for jump scares.

Right near the middle of the movie, I put my guard down and a scare appeared, and I jumped a little out of my seat right into Noah's arms.

He looked at me, and then I moved back to my original seat. I looked at Ant, and he was staring me and him down.

I gave him a 'what?' look, and he just shook his head. Whatever, lemme just watch the movie.

A few minutes later, was the perfect time to send the text.


I quickly sent it and then slyly turned my phone off

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I quickly sent it and then slyly turned my phone off.

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