chapter twenty-nine

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Everyone finished getting their things packed and set up in the three different cars that we were taking to the airport. A few minutes before we got into the cars, we were just chatting about how excited we were to go on the tour. 

While people were going to get settled in the cars, Cynthia pulled me aside.

cp- what's up with you and noah?

I looked at her blankly. 

y/n- i don't know what your talking about.

cp- i'm not dumb. what's going on with you two?

y/n- nothing...

cp- ok, if you say so, I'll just sit by Avani on the car ride, so you'll have to sit with him.

y/n- fine. I'll show you that nothing's going on between us.

I walked over to Noah, who was packing up suitcases in the trunk of another jeep.

y/n- iS tHeRe aNyThInG gOiNg oN bEtWeEn uS?

I basically yelled, so Cynthia could hear.

n- no, except for the part where your being a bitch to me.

I turned over to Cynthia.

y/n- see?

I walked back over to Cynthia, and Noah just shook his head, rolled his eyes, and sighed.

y/n- there is nothing going on between us. just proved it to ya.

She nodded, and we sat in the backseat of Ant's jeep, since he was driving. I had already packed all my suitcases in the back.

I saw Cynthia go on her phone and text someone while I was putting on my seatbelt.

She laughed and put on her seatbelt as well.

A few moments later, Noah came up and sat in the passenger seat, not noticing me.

Cynthia was sitting behind him, and he looked at her.

n- what'd you have to talk to me about?

cp- nothing. now you two have to talk to each other.

I groaned and she laughed, while going back on her phone. 

We all sat in silence for a minute.

I went on my phone, playing Subway Surfers, and I looked up and saw Noah playing it as well.

Cynthia noticed us both playing Subway Surfers.

cp- awh cute couple things...

She snickered and I just rolled my eyes at her.

I got a text notification from her, and I had to pAuSe iN tHE miDdLe oF mY gAmE to text her back.

(italics; cynthia, bold; y/n)


oh hey




i did some research


about what?


did you know sOmE pEoPlE act really mean to the oThER person cause they like them?


i don't like you HSIJIDJIJD


i'm not talking about us dummie, i'm talking ab you and tHe pErSoN sItTiNg iN fRoNt oF mE




yes who else would it be?


omg i don't like him


keep telling yourself that


I rolled my eyes and continued playing my game.

A small part of me did wonder, if I was just lying to myself? I guess we'll find out soon enough...

𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 | 𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now