chapter thirty-seven

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I smiled a little, and then a thought of what could happen tonight popped into my mind. I shook my head and just continued hanging the clothes.

I gulped. I didn't know what was going to happen. But what would happen would change everything.


As I finished basically fixing the room up, one major thought popped into my head and wouldn't go away.

I might as well ask Cynthia about it, maybe she might know. I told Noah that I would be over visiting Cynthia, and he just nodded his head. I left the room, eager to know what was going on. Yeah, I did like my fair share of mysteries just not this one. I knocked on Cynthia's door. I waited out in the hallway for a few seconds and I saw a few people walking in the hallway. I think it was Mads and Avani, but I wasn't for sure.

I was surprised on who opened the door, but not totally.

y/n- oh hey blake. uh what are you doing in cynthia's room??

I smiled and cocked my head a little bit to the side.

bl- I'm rooming with her.

y/n- oh right. forgot. anyways, can i come in? i gotta ask cynthia something.

bl- yeah.

He opened the door fully to let me in, and when I walked in he shut it, and sat on the bed to watch tv. I went to the counter to see Cynthia making some iced coffee.

cyn- oh hey y/n.

y/n- hi uh i have a question...

cyn- uh what is it??

She was stirring some milk in her coffee.

y/n- so when I was unpacking in my room, I heard someone talk to Noah about "this plan" that was going on tonight? do you know anything about it?

cyn- no i don't.

She shook her head and frowned.

y/n- you don't know anything??

cyn- nope...

She paused for a few seconds.

cyn- what i would do would just be to wait and find out what'll happen tonight...

y/n- ha! so you do know!

cyn- uh no i don't...

y/n- yes you do!! you just said to wait and find out what'll happen tonight!

She sighed and took a sip of her freshly made coffee.

cyn- ok, maybe i do know. say i do. i still wouldn't tell you, no matter how much you beg.

y/n- ughh whyy

cyn- you'll see.

y/n- well can i just ask something and you tell me if it is or isn't it?

cyn- you can ask.

I laughed at the thought of it.

y/n- i know this totally isn't true whatsoever.

cyn- ok?

y/n- bah is he gonna propose??

She blinked and looked at me like "what is going on in your head."

cyn- no. he's not. 

I sighed with relief.

cyn- at least not yet...

She whispered.

y/n- hey!! i heard that!!

She laughed.

cyn- you guys are two cute together, you know that??

y/n- i dOnT lIKE hIm fOr tHe mIlLIOnTh tImE

cyn- oh my god when will you admit it?

y/n- what do you want me to admit??

cyn- you know.

She smiled strangely.

y/n- fine. you want me to admit i like him?

I paused for a moment and sighed.

y/n- yes, i do like him. you happy now??

She smiled and squealed, then she looked behind me.

y/n- what?? why you so happy?

She smiled.

y/n- are you gonna tell me?

cyn- look behind you...


𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 | 𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now