chapter fifty-eight

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y/n- ugh i can't walk someone helppppp

I say, sitting back on the bed.

a- why can't you walk??

I look over to Noah, trying to hold back his laughter by eating chips.

a- seriously, why can't you? did you hurt it?

How clueless can he be??


A second later Blake walked into the room.

a- hey blake, do you know what's going on with y/n? she says she can't walk.

I looked over to Blake who was smiling at me. I managed to walk over to the bathroom.

y/n- shut up.


I had taken a shower and got ready to go meet Cynthia in the lobby when Noah approached me when I was packing up my things.

n- where are you and cynthia going again?

I didn't know what to tell him, so I just came up with an excuse.

y/n- uh we're going shopping...

n- oh really?

y/n- yep.

I say, grabbing some things and packing them back in my bag.

n- hey while you go, I'll get everything ready to check out.

y/n- aw thank you.

I say, kissing his cheek, and leaving the room to go meet Cynthia down in the lobby.

y/n- you ready?

cyn- yeah. i just can't believe that it's the last day of tour...

y/n- yeah i know. i wish we could go to some more places.

I heard Cynthia say something quietly, but I couldn't hear.

y/n- huh?

cyn- oh nothing hah


We made it to the appointment, and everything was okay.

On the way out, I was noticing that Cynthia was completely fine, so I asked her about it.

y/n- are you sure your okay?

She gave me a shy smile.

cyn- yeah I'm fine, let's go.

y/n- okay.

We drove back to the hotel, and we saw everyone from the tour in the lobby.

n- heyy

y/n- hi

n- where'd you guys go? you were gone for a while...

I looked over to Cynthia, who wasn't paying any attention to the conversation, and instead was talking to Blake.

y/n- we just went shopping like i told you...

n- but you guys didn't buy anything?

y/n- no

He shrugged, and we all went on the tour bus and went to the St. Louis airport to fly back to LA.


We arrived at LAX around 5 hours later, and I was exhausted.

Bryce had come and picked us up and I almost fell asleep in the car. We dropped everyone off at their house's and I walked into the Sway house, looking for somewhere to sleep. I decided to sleep on Noah's bed.

I was almost asleep the whole flight though, but I do remember Ant talking about a trip to Jamaica or Aruba or somewhere around there. I was too tired to think about it.


I walked downstairs after I woke up a few hours later to see Noah, Blake, and Bryce sitting on the couch watching a movie.

n- hey

y/n- hi

I say, rubbing my eyes.

y/n- what are you guys watching?

b- the rental.

y/n- what's that?

bl- horror movie

y/n- oh, then I'm not watching that. I'm going to go make some food.

They nodded or said ok, and I walked into the kitchen to eat some fries.

I watched Ant as he walked into the kitchen and grab something from the fridge.

a- oh hey i forgot to ask you what did you think about the plan?

I looked at him confused.

y/n- what plan?

a- the plan to go to the Caribbean in a few days? did you listen to anything i said on the plane?

y/n- wait what- 

a- yeah we're going to the caribbean in three days, and i wanted to know if you and noah wanted to come.

y/n- wait a minute why are you going in the first place?

a- vacations, ya know?

y/n- we literally just got back from exploring the united states today.

a- so? it's aDvEnTuReS

y/n- even though we did just get back, i wanna go.

a- yay okay lemme go update noah

y/n- ok...

little did i know, that the trip would change my life...

a/n: what do you think will happen on the trip and what do you want to happen? teehee

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