chapter twenty-seven

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I went to go to Target, and get some things for my few days that I was staying in Los Angeles.

After that, I got another text from Ant saying that it was urgent and for me to come back to Sway. 

Oh my god, will he ever stop? I laughed and while I was looking through the different aisles for popcorn I saw him. Or should I say them?

Anyways, Noah and Blake were shopping around, and I just ignored them, as long as they didn't find me I was good. I got my popcorn and that's when I heard Blake call my name. Great. Just great. I turned around.

y/n- hey.

bl- hi i haven't seen you around that much.

I scratched the top of my head.

y/n- yeah probably cause i live in las vegas.

I could see Noah just staring at the ground, like he usually does whenever he's around me.

I turned over to him.

y/n- oh how's charli? i'm surprised you let her get that close to chase...

He met eye contact with me and narrowed his eyes.

n- what?

y/n- yikes... i'm not going to be the one to tell you. anyways bye !

I walked away from them to get some ice cream. I got cookies and cream, and then I went to go get some lettuce for my salads. I picked up some ranch as well, checked out, and then headed back to my car. I checked my phone before I started the engine and I saw my phone blowing up with notifications from Ant.

Oh my god.

I finally texted him back. Most of the texts were all like "please come back to sway" or something like that. I texted him that I had to drop the groceries off at my hotel room and then I'll be by. 

What was so important that he needed to literally blow up my phone for? 

I went back to the hotel and dropped the things off, and then walked back out to my car. I drove to Sway for the second time today, and knocked on the door. Ant came and answered it.

a- finally. took you long enough.

y/n- long enough for what?

I walked inside and I saw Jaden, Josh, Blake, Cynthia, and two girls I didn't recognize. 

y/n- uhhh...

a- so you know how i was planning to leave for tour in a couple of days?

He did mention some things about it.

y/n- somewhat.

a- i spoke to the manager of the tour, brent, and he approved it.

y/n- approved what?

a- we want you to come on tour with us!

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