chapter eighteen

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n- show me your arm.

I shook my head.

He touched my arm and I quivered in pain.

y/n- owww

Noah slowly rolled up my sleeve to reveal my cuts.


He saw the cuts and I just stared at the ground. 

n- y/n... why would you do this?

At that point I was crying completely and shaking.

y/n- cynthiaa

n- wait what? 

I nodded, still looking at the ground.

bl- bro come here.

I looked up and saw that Blake was motioning Noah to the balcony. I just sat there in silence as he went out there.

They tried to whisper, but I could still hear their conversation.

bl- dude, have you seen cynthia's comments on her posts?

n- no. what were they?

bl- they were sjskswjdksk

My ears were ringing and I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. Ow, my head hurts. I better go lay down in a separate bedroom.

I got up, feeling dizzy but tried to walk to a room and that's all I remembered.


I woke up to Noah sitting next to me.

y/n- what happened? why did you wake me up? i had this super weird dream where i cut myself.

Noah just sighed and looked down at the floor.

n- it wasn't a dream.

y/n- oh. 

I sat there in silence for a few seconds.

y/n- now i remember. 

He helped me to a bed to where we both sat.

n- why else did you do it?

y/n- you came here with cynthia...

n- what does that have to do with anything?

y/n- everything.

He looked at me puzzled.

I met his gaze.

y/n- i love you.

n- what?

y/n- i've always loved you.. i know your with cynthia now and i don-

He cut me off by kissing me. 

n- i love you too.


a/n: hi this is just a short filler chapter but i have a big question! do you guys want me to continue this story or start a new story about the tour last summer and the love interests be either sam or josh? comment and tell me what you think!!

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