chapter thirty-six

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She continued laughing when she whispered something to Blake and then he started laughing.


I looked down, shaking my head at them.


I didn't look up until Cynthia started to say something else.

cyn- and no, you aren't spending the night with me, I'm rooming with someone else.

y/n- i- what am i supposed to do then?

I looked over to Noah who was looking away, hiding a smile.

cyn- sleep with him.

She nodded over to him.

I just shook my head, and put my headphones back in until we arrived at the hotel.

cyn- finally, we're here.

We all started to exit the bus.

y/n- the mountains are pretty.

cyn- eh.

I laughed and sarcastically rolled my eyes as everyone was bringing their suitcases inside the hotel. We checked in as Trent was parking the tour bus, and I stood with Cynthia and Blake.

cyn- oh y/n, i forgot to mention something that's going on tonight.

y/n- oh god, not another double date..

cyn- no, me, blake and noah are going out for drinks (ok pretend they are all of drinking age in this story but they still are the sameage? idk maybe drinking age doesn't exist in this story- ugh I'm so confusing) later, and we were wondering if you wanted to come?

y/n- uh

cyn- you don't have to if you want to...

I took a drink of my water.

cyn- but your boyfriend's gonna be there.

I choked on my water (yes she literally chokes on her water all the time, she's fine, she's not dying) when she said that. 

y/n- he-he's not my uh boyfriend.

I said as I coughed.

cyn- you wish he was.

She laughed, as I playfully hit her arm.

y/n- no i don't.

cyn- mhm, just keep telling yourself that.

I rolled my eyes and agreed to come. 

After the receptionist gave me my room card, I went up the elevator with Cynthia, Blake and Noah.

Cynthia and Blake were exchanging a look.

y/n- what is it now?

cyn- uh nothing.

Noah shrugged.

The elevator doors finally opened. 

Noah followed me and I opened the room for us. I left the door open while someone asked Noah to talk to the side. I couldn't help but wonder what they where talking about, so I eavesdropped a little. 

??- hey, she agreed. do you have everything ready for tonight?

n- yeah.

??- she's going to be surprised, but i know she'll say yes...

I think I must be hearing things, because what are they talking about? I knew for a fact they were talking about me, who else would they be then? I moved away from the open door and sat on the bed, hanging some of my clothes in the closet.

I saw Noah walk in and he looked like he had never had that conversation. I shook off the weird feeling, and he just sat on the other side of the bed.

I smiled a little, and then a thought of what could happen tonight popped into my mind. I shook my head and just continued hanging the clothes. 

I gulped. I didn't know what was going to happen. But what would happen would change everything


a/n: hey everyone! sorry for not posting yesterday another time!! what do you guys think will happen "tonight?" haha make sure to leave a comment or vote to let me know that your enjoying the story!! have a nice day/night!! ( i most likely will post another chapter tonight!! )

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