chapter forty-nine

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??- oh my god, y/n. your awake...

I ruffled my eyebrows in confusion.

y/n- i'm-i'm sorry.. do i know you??


The doctor had dismissed everyone out of my room, who were all extremely upset, so I could get some sleep. And that's what I was trying to do.

I was laying on my side, looking at all the machines. They were quietly beeping and I was observing them. I felt my eyes get heavy so, I closed them, and I drifted quietly asleep.

I jolted awake, remembering everything. Every single thing. I stood up, and grabbed the IV machine, and tried to walk to the door, stumbling.

I eventually made it to the door, and tried to open it. A nurse had came over and helped me.

y/n- tha-thanks.. do you- do you know where everyone is??

nu (nurse)- yeah, here, let me help you.

She put me in a wheelchair and rolled me over to where Ant was.

a- y/n??

y/n- i-i remember.

He hugged me, and we chatted for a minute.

a- i bet you need to go talk to noah, don't you?

y/n- yeah. do you know where he is??

a- i think he went outside.

y/n- thank you.

I rolled myself to the elevator, and pressed the call button. I waited a few seconds and then the door opened. I pressed the lower level button and made it to the lowest level. I rolled out to the automatic opening doors, and stood up, now feeling like I could walk. I took my UV line and walked outside. I looked on the right side, and I didn't see him.

Then I saw him. Right by the corner of the sidewalk. Talking to Cynthia and Blake. They were talking quietly, but I could still hear them.

bl- what if she doesn't remember?

n- i don't know what i'd do.

cyn- but if she does remember... would you do it?

n- of course I would.

Cynthia nodded, and looked over to where I was standing. She ran over to me.

cyn- y/n?? is everything okay? why are you out of bed??

I smiled.

y/n- i remember.

cyn- YOU DO???

She practically screamed and hugged me. 

y/n- ow.

I think she forgot all about the cords and wires in me.

cyn- oops.

We both laughed and talked for a minute until Blake practically dragged her away from me.

I walked up to Noah and hugged him.

n- i love you so much.

y/n- i love you.

I smiled and kissed him.

n- how are you feeling??

y/n- i actually feel fine now. despite me being in the hospital, of course.

We chatted for a minute until he brought me back to my hospital room. 

d- hey y/n, how are you feeling?

y/n- I'm doing great.

d- that's good! so if you take the medication that i prescribe and take it easy for a few days, i think we can get ya out of here tomorrow! you'll be completely fine in the next few days, and free to go do your regular activites.

cyn- can she still be on tour and go to six flags?

d- yes, she'll be fine by then.

I smiled. The doctor left and our group started chatting for a minute.

y/n- so you guys, something strange happened.

n- what?

y/n- when I was walking out to find everyone, I heard you guys talking about "something you would do?"

Panic filled Cynthia's eyes and looked over to Noah, who looked ta the ground.

cyn- uh that was uh nothing.

y/n- your a terrible liar.

She smiled.

y/n- i will figure it out.

cyn- i hope you don't.

I guess I'll just find out soon.

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