chapter fourteen

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(a/n: hi okay so thank you SO SO SO much for 10k reads like what!! also Friday is my birthday, and tomorrow I'm heading over to Chicago to spend the night at a hotel :)) so there might not be any updates the next two days, or i might just rewrite the chapters and just publish them when i have time! I'm still deciding but enjoy!!)


c- you don't think... noah...

y/n- noah what? just spit it out.

She looked at me.

c- noah got you pregnant?


I just blinked at her. 

y/n- no...

c- we have to find out.

y/n- it can't be.

c- we should check just to be sure.

I nodded my head.

y/n- thank you for everything.

c- of course. 

y/n- I'll go get it. I'll be back, alright?

She nodded, while she got on her phone to play Subway Surfers waiting for me.

I laughed, and got my keys and went on my way to Target. 

I arrived in the parking lot, and decided to get a Strawberry Lemonade from Starbucks.

I waited in line for it, while I just thought about everything.

I can't be pregnant. No. I'm not ready for a relationship, let alone a baby.

I got my lemonade, and I took a few pictures with some fans, got the test, and paid for it.

I sat in my car, sending Charli a text that I'll be back soon. 

I arrived home, to see Noah and Ant sitting on the couch, and Charli on the other side waiting for me, probably still playing Subway Surfers. Noah and Ant looked up and saw me. 

a- ooo target, what did you get?

I hid it behind my back.

y/n- uh nothing.

Noah shook his head at me and I just rolled my eyes in return. 

I walked into my guest room, and I had Charli wait out there.


c- y/n? you okay in there?

y/n- yeah come on in. I'm just waiting on the results.

Charli opened the door, and she saw that I was sitting down on the tiled floor and the test was face-down on the floor. 

I had set a timer on my phone, and it was about to go off any second when I heard a knock at the door.

y/n- yeah?

n- nevermind. 

I heard Noah walk away and I just sighed.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

That was the timer all right.

c- you sure you wanna look? 

y/n- yeah. it's better to know than not know.

I took the test and flipped it over.

y/n- I'm...

(to be continued!!)

𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 | 𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now