chapter thirty-nine

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a/n: hey guys i'm so sorry the previous chapter totally sucked hah this one will be a long one!!


I stared at myself in the mirror. I was supposed to be downstairs, at the bar, having drinks with my friends right now, but instead, here I was, staring at myself in the mirror. Truth was, I have no idea what was going to happen tonight, but I guess we'll see. I checked myself out one more time in the mirror, before grabbing my small purse tote thing and putting my keycard in it. I walked out of the room and into the hallway and shut the door. I walked over to the elevator and pressed the elevator call button. I waited a few seconds and then I heard the iconic ding! signaling that the elevator was here.

I sighed and walked into the elevator and pressed the 1st level button. The elevator was really pretty and it looked like this;

 The elevator was really pretty and it looked like this;

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(yes i did really just put an elevator picture in here)

I waited for the ride mostly, examining the inside and then I finally was here. I stepped out of the elevator and looked around at my surroundings. I had no idea where to go to get there, but I followed the signs that signaled I was getting close to the bar. (So there's like high chairs like in a bar but like on a high table, I'm bad at describing things I'm sorry- if you know what I'm talking about that's the type of table their sitting at) I made it to the bar, and I saw Noah and Blake sitting on one side of the table and Cynthia on the other side. 

She saw me and waved me over. I saw Noah look back to see me and smiled. I rolled my eyes in return, knowing that they won't let me forget what I said this afternoon. I sighed as I said hello to everyone while sitting down.

n- so uh y/n, what exactly happened this afternoon?

He smirked and I just glared at him and blinked.

cyn- yeahh you should tell us.

Blake nodded in agreement.

y/n- hm, uh no thanks. 

n- well I'll tell what i walked in on.

I shrugged.

n- so blake invited me over and i went to go say hi to cynthia and guess what i heard?

y/n- what

n- "you want me to admit that i like him? fine i do like him."

I stared at the table with a blank expression on my face.

y/n- yeah what about it

n- now i wonder who you were talking about

y/n- hm i wonder...

I cocked my head to the side and put a fake thinking expression on. 

The waitress came and we ordered our different drinks.

I noticed Noah ordered a water, which was strange because I never knew that he didn't drink.

I turned the focus of the conversation to Cynthia and Blake.

y/n- hey blake?

bl- yeah?

y/n- i know who you should date.

bl- and who is that?

Cynthia was shaking her head knowing what I would say.

y/n- cynthia.

I scratched my nose, and then I remembered.

y/n- oh my god

cyn- what?

y/n- guess what?

cyn- what

y/n- it's "tonight"

cyn- yeah...

y/n- so you have to reveal to me your plan!!

Cynthia looked over to Noah who's eyes widened.

They exchanged a few glances.

y/n- what's going on between you two?

cyn- nothing...

She glared at Noah.

She took out her phone and texted him something I think.

I saw her kick his foot under the table and laughed.

y/n- will someone tell me what's going on

I paused to snatch Cynthia's phone out of her hands.

y/n- or will I have to find out mys...

I say as I read the text.


a/n: cliffhanger!! have a nice night everyone!!

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