chapter twenty-three

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I got out of my car, to see the Sway house for the first time this month. Nothing's changed. Yesterday, I had texted Ant that I was coming by to visit, and that I already booked a hotel. He offered for me to stay here, but I didn't want to.

I checked into the hotel first, and basically unpacked and then I drove over here. I walked over to the front door and rang the doorbell. I waited a few seconds and I saw Charli come up and open the door. Weird, how she was already here, but whatever.

c- heyy!

y/n- heyy!

I hugged Charli and she welcomed me inside.

c- it's been so long!

y/n- yeah it has! you know, you can always come to visit me in vegas!

c- yeah i have to! anyways show me the house!

I pulled up my phone and showed her the pictures of my house.

I pulled up my phone and showed her the pictures of my house

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( haha yes i did just search up most expensive las vegas homes on zillow )

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( haha yes i did just search up most expensive las vegas homes on zillow )

c- oooh pretty!!

y/n- yeah ! thanks!

c- i can see why you would drop everything to move here.

drop everything? 

y/n- um yeah. anyways, when are you going to tell me who you like?

c- uh later haha...

why is charli acting so strange? who knows honestly. she's never acted like this before to me.

y/n- ok...

c- anyways, i gotta introduce you to someone tonight!!

y/n- ooh the person you like?

c- uh you already know him and no. 

y/n- uhh... then who?

c- remember the person i told you, you had to meet, on the phone? 

y/n- yeah, somewhat.

c- he's coming to the party tonight!

y/n- party? tonight?

c- yep! bryce is hosting a party tonight!

y/n- you know i'm tired right?

c- yah so go take a nap? or get some coffee with me!

y/n- i guess i'll get a coolata since i don't like coffee.

c- yay!! when are we going?

y/n- uh soon...i wanna say hello to everyone in the house first.

c- oh uh uh i think uh noah's uh out...

y/n- ok? why are you acting so weird?

I rolled my eyes.

c- no reason...

y/n- k. imma go say hello to my brother.

She nodded.

I walked into Ant's room, and saw him laying on the bed.

a- y/n!! hi!

y/n- hi. it's been so long!

a- yeah. oh i wanted to ask you about something.

y/n- ok? wait do you know why people are being so weird today?

a- i have an idea. but i'm actually surprised that your cool with charli.

y/n- uh why wouldn't i be?

a- since...


a/n: hey yall i this chapter was super fun to write so make sure you comment your opinions since i love reading them!!  

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