chapter twenty-eight

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a- i spoke to the manager of the tour, brent, and he approved it.

y/n- approved what?

a- we want you to come on tour with us!


y/n: wait what-

a- yeah. so far cynthia, avani, mads, jaden, josh, blake, and noah are coming.

I blinked. This would be pretty interesting to see what happens. Especially with Noah coming along.

y/n- sure, why not.

cp- yay!!

y/n- where are the tour stops?

bl- we aren't sure yet.

j- but we're leaving in like three days.

a- also the tour's lasting for a month.

y/n- i need to go get packed. 

cp- going back to vegas?

y/n- you know it.

I stayed a few minutes to go introduce myself to Avani and Mads, the two girls I saw but didn't know before.

After I finished chatting with them, I grabbed my keys and said bye to everyone and that I'll be back on the day that we were leaving.

I finally arrived back at my house and it seemed like forever. Before I went on the way back home, I grabbed everything from the hotel and checked out. I opened the door and decided to take a nap since I was exhausted from the 3-4 hour drive from LA.


The days passed quickly, and before I knew it, I was supposed to meet up with everyone tomorrow at the airport in LA.

I got a text from Brent, the tour manager, showing the list of where we were going.

(a/n: by days i mean how many days they were staying in the city)

1. San Fransisco, California - 2 days

2. Seattle, Washington - 1 day

3. Salt Lake City, Utah - 2 days

4. Denver, Colorado - 3 days

5. Austin, Texas - 2 days

6. New Orleans, Louisiana - 4 days

7. Miami, Florida - 2 days

8. Jacksonville, Florida - 1 day

9. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - 3 days

10. New York City, New York - 2 days

11. Chicago, Illinois - 3 days

12. St. Louis, Missouri - 5 days


I decided to go to bed early tonight, because I had to get over to LA early in the morning and our flight was at 1pm.

I haven't been to most of the places on the list except for St Louis, Chicago, and San Fransisco. My family usually went to St. Louis on vacation, and I know the best places to go around the city.

I fell asleep quickly, and I got waken up by the loud alarm that I set. 

Ugh, I don't want to wake up...

Five minutes later, I got up and got changed into this outfit for the drive and the flight;

Five minutes later, I got up and got changed into this outfit for the drive and the flight;

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I got my suitcases and bags in the trunk of my jeep, and started to drive to LA. Around halfway through the drive, i stopped at a gas station to get a slushee for breakfast because why not?

I got blue raspberry, but after I paid, I sat in my car and I looked through my Instagram posts. I saw a post by TikTok room saying that Charli and Noah broke up.

They did? Oh, okay :)

I laughed at my thought and continued to drive down to LA. 

An hour later, I made it to the Sway house, and I knocked on the door.

Avani opened it for me, and the rest were getting their final things packed in their rooms.

Me and her chatted for a little bit, mostly about the tour destinations. She has been to most of the destinations except for St. Louis, probably because of all of her previous tours.

Noah and Blake made it down to the living room first, with their suitcases. I made a sarcastic smile to Noah and he rolled his eyes in response. Blake and Avani went out to get their things packed in their cars, so it was now only Noah and me in the room.

I broke the silence.

y/n- so i heard you and charli broke up?

n- yep.

y/n- ok.

I laughed and looked through my Instagram feed.

n- can i ask you a question?

y/n- no.

I put my headphones in to listen to my downloaded slowed songs in my playlist.

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