chapter sixty-seven

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 I couldn't believe it was so soon, but I can't wait. I'm so excited.


The next day, Cynthia and I had our perfectly planned girls' day. We went out to lunch for salads at an island salad stand- which was so cute- and we went out to the tennis court to film some secret TikToks. And what I mean by "secret" TikToks is most likely this post;

(ignore the bad quality i have no idea how to fix it 💀)

caption: we tried... 

*lauren is y/n and cynthia herself*


user19: omg-

cynandy/n: we stan

blynthiaforever: noah and blake watching this: 👁👄👁

^reply to blynthiaforver: y/nreeves: don't forget jaden^

view 50,473 more comments...


We went back out for some more shopping after playing some tennis - or at least attempting to, we're both terrible at it. We both found out that the boys "playing golf" meant making TikToks at the golf course. On our walk back to our hotel rooms, Cynthia asked me;

cyn- are you excited for tomorrow?

y/n- tomorrow? oh yeah, ahha I've never been on a train anymore and I'm a bit scared. 

cyn- I've been on plenty. they aren't that scary. anyways, do you know what type of ring you guys are gonna get? 

y/n- eh I've seen some ideas, but no, not really.

cyn- hm...

y/n- what??

She paused.

cyn- i just thought of something.

y/n- which is?

cyn- i wonder when blake is gonna propose.

I didn't say anything, mostly because I had no idea what to say. It wasn't my place to say, so I just looked at the different trees at the resort. We made it back to the lobby and we went up the elevator to our different rooms. I opened my door to see Noah on the bed, on his phone, typing something. He looked up to me and smiled.

n- hey.

y/n- hiii

n- so we must talk about something.

y/n- the wedding?

I put all my shopping bags on the floor and rearrange them.

n- well i saw a very interesting tiktok on my for you page.

I smiled, knowing what he had seen.

y/n- uh huh...


I walked down to the hotel restaurant to go meet up with the rest of my friends. I was wearing a small black dress, one of the ones I bought earlier this evening. I had told the hostess my reservation and she led me to the table where Ant, Cynthia, Blake, and Noah were sitting. I took a seat by Noah and held his hand under the table.

The whole dinner was wonderful, we had chatted about different things about the wedding and such, and when we were done eating we headed up to Ant's room to go watch some movies. I smiled and looked over at Noah, who was watching the movie, and took a handful of popcorn from his bag. Everything is perfect.

Oops. I meant was.


hey yall!! what do you think will happen? i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and be sure to follow me to let me know you guys like my stories!! have a nice morning/afternoon/night! i will try and post tonight!!

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