chapter nine

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After the waiter put our orders in, Ant started a conversation.

a- so noah i have a question for you..

n- sure, what's up?

I took a drink of my lemonade.

a- do you like y/n?

I choked on my lemonade. I wish I could kick Ant's foot, but he was sitting diagonal from me.


y/n- uhm what?

I saw Noah look at me and then took a sip of his drink.

n- yeah.

If an emoji could describe me right now it would be: 👁👄👁

y/n- huh?

a- see, I told ya.

I rolled my eyes, and our food came. We all talked about our past lives, just like that previous conversation never happened. Okay, to be honest, I may be avoiding Noah a little, but I don't see the harm in that. And I think he was avoiding me too. We eventually paid, and drove back to the penthouse. There were only three more days in Vegas.

While In the car, Bryce asked me;

b- oh, y/n- what did that contractor ever say?

y/n- that i either had to choose to restart my whole house on a flat plot or their might be a possible risk of more damage in the future..

b- well what did you choose?

y/n- i chose to restart it. it'll take another couple of months to finish, but at least there's no risk in the future.

He nodded, and we got out of the car and made our own ways to the two penthouses. I was in the hallway.

a- oh y/n, can you stay behind for a minute?

y/n- sure whatever.

Noah and Bryce made their ways into the two different penthouses, and once the door closed in mine he started talking.

a- remember the rules.

y/n- oh my god, you really think i like him, don't you?!

a- i can tell you do.

y/n- well, believe what you want to believe, but I don't.

a- alright fine. goodnight.

y/n- night.

I opened the door to the penthouse, to find Noah standing there.

y/n- what?

I closed the door so Ant couldn't hear the conversation if he was still in the hallway, even thought I'm pretty sure Noah heard it.

He walked over to the couch.

n- i wasn't lying at the restaurant.

y/n- i know.

Now's the time to tell him how you really feel.

y/n- I'm heading to bed.

Great job, y/n, on confessing your feelings.

I walked up the staircase to the second floor.

y/n- and just so you know, i like you too, but it'll never happen because of my brother.

I quickly left back to my room and shut the door. I got ready for bed and wore some comfortable clothes, and decided to watch some Criminal Minds.

(a/n: okay that's it for this chapter cause i wanna watch some criminal minds in real life 😹)

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