chapter twenty-six

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I woke up the next morning in my hotel room, not knowing what exactly happened last night. I yawned and looked around. Everything looked exactly the same as when I had just unpacked it yesterday.

I laid in my bed and checked my phone when I saw two texts, one from an unknown person, and one from Sam.

Wait. How did Sam get my number?

I checked his text first, and it was basically saying what happened last night.

hey y/n, this is sam haha you probably forgot what happened last night. (he tells what happens) and yeah, just wanted to check in on how you are. Also, I was wondering if you'd want to go out to dinner with me sometime?

I quickly replied back,

hi! thank you so much, and of course! I'm doing good.

I smiled and got out of bed and changed into one of my new outfits I got in Las Vegas:

I smiled and got out of bed and changed into one of my new outfits I got in Las Vegas:

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I walked around my hotel, and got some Starbucks for breakfast. I got a text from Ant saying that I needed to come by Sway asap.

I sighed and drove down to Sway, wondering what it was now. As soon as I got there, I knocked on the door and saw Ant.

y/n- what now?

a- don't you know?

y/n- know what?

a- come in.

He dragged my hand inside and there was no one inside the living room.

y/n- where is everyone?

a- out. i made them go out to target so i could sneak you in.

y/n- sneak me in?? for what?

a- you'll see.

He pulled out his phone and showed me a text from an unknown sender.

There was no caption, it was just a photo.

y/n- what- who sent that to you?

a- i don't know. and why to me?

I took his phone to examine the photo closer.

(ok pretend that it wasn't at Disney and it was at the party last night)

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(ok pretend that it wasn't at Disney and it was at the party last night)

a- i need your help.

y/n- with what?

I crossed my arms.

a- can you tell when this was?

y/n- yesterday, duh. what time did they send you that?

a- lemme check. 5:35 am, this morning.

y/n- ok.

a- i still need your help.

y/n- with WhAt?

a- someone needs to tell noah.

I laughed.

y/n- haha, you see, I'm not the one that was sent that photo, so it's not my problem.

a- but like who will?

y/n- not me. what are you expecting me to say? hI nOaH oMg sO sOmEoNe sEnT a pHoTo tO aNt aNd cHaRlI wAs kIsSiNg cHaSe sO nOw tHaT yOuR sInGle yOu sHoULd fUcK mE

I laughed. He just shook his head.

a- wh-

y/n- anyways i have better things to do than help you figure out how to tell my ex crush that his girlfriend is cheating on him.

I walked out of the house, and before I shut the door on my way out I said:

y/n- good luck with telling him.


a/n: once again thank you Cassie647 for giving me ideas for this chapter! tell me what you think in the comments!!

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